It introduced a two-app approach to ensure secure logins and transaction confirmations across its mobile and internet banking services. KOBIL's white-labelled app, complete with Consorsbank branding and renamed SecurePlus, was given to BNP Paribas account holders with Consorsbank, BNP Paribas Wealth Management Private Banking, and DAB BNP Paribas.

At the same time, it also introduced KOBIL's SecOPTIC Token device for users unable or unwilling to use a smartphone app. This QR code reader was rebranded SecurePlus Generator. It delivers an improved user experience, fully complies with PSD2 and reduces costs by eliminating traditional and unsecured OTPs sent via SMS.

Consorsbank Secureplus App Download


The introduction of the SecurePlus Generator was also a major success. Available for order in the KOBIL web shop, its implementation ensured KOBIL's expertise supported Consorsbank across both logistics and 100% secure payment services.

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Falls Sie kein kompatibles Smartphone oder Tablet besitzen, bieten wir Ihnen einen kostenpflichtigen DAB SecurePlus Generator. Diesen knnen Sie fr 19, 95 Euro inkl. USt zzgl. Versand direkt beim Hersteller bestellen: -generator/1/secureplus-generator 2351a5e196

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