10 Lottery Playing Mistakes to Avoid

Everyday, I see lotto players committing mistake after mistake. To help you boost your chances of winning, do NOT do the following 10 things:

1. Don't play games with 7 or 8 balls. Stick to games with 6 or less while the odds improve the reduced the amount of balls in the game. I usually play the pick 3 and 4 games and occasionally the 5 ball games and win much more often than if I only played 6, 7 or 8 ball games.

2. Don't miss a game. The greatest winners in any lotto game are consistent players and play every time.

3. Don't think you know it all connecticut lottery play 3 play 4 . There is a LOT to understand about lotto strategies and play. Research, study, and you will find new things and techniques that can boost your odds of winning.

4. Don't play games with the best numbers. Like #1 above, the games with higher numbers have longer odds. Look for games with less than 40 numbers total.

5. Don't play only whenever you "feel like it ".You should play consistently to truly have the best chance to win.

6. Don't feel guilty about your losses. You have to play to win and as long as you're only using money you can afford to reduce, you shouldn't feel guilty. Your losses continue to be your "entry fee" to be able to win.

7. Don't play only on popular days. Many players only play on Saturday's and in the event that you win on today, you will have to fairly share your win with additional people. Ask your lotto store which days are the slowest.

8. Don't give up. Many players get discouraged and quit too soon. You have to play consistently if you're planning to win.

9. Don't constantly change your numbers and or number of ticket plays. Winning originates from consistent play. Play as much tickets as you can afford on a regular basis.

10. Don't change the body! This really is the main someone to avoid. Whatever system you utilize, it was designed for one reason, to boost your odds of winning. Don't add your own personal best of luck numbers, utilize the numbers the system informs you to.

Avoid these 10 mistakes and you will dsicover your lottery winnings improve greatly! Check out the free 55 page lottery book with lots of great methods for winning in your preferred lottery game in your state!