Bernd Fichtenhofer & Monika Ścibak

Not only Angels have wings

Sunday, 10.30 to 13.30

Bernd Fichtenhofer, (Germany) Certified pedagogue, psychodrama-director, trainer and supervisor of psychodrama in Germany, Poland and other countries, supervisor (DGSv) and Coach, leader of the Psychodrama-Centre, Berlin, I’m working free-lance, Berlin/Germany

Monika Ścibak , (Poland), Psychologist, certified psychotherapist – Polish Psychiatric Company, psychotherapist and trainer of psychodrama. I am working with addict people, neuroses and personality disorder in Kraków, leader of the “Forum Psychodramy” in Kraków/Poland.

Which kind of pictures and experiences do I combine with the metaphor of “wings”?

Which resources do I have or do I need for changes?

In this workshop we want to go in the past and in the future to find our “wings for changing”.