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Mike Sharples

Mike Sharples is Emeritus Professor of Educational Technology in the Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University, UK. His expertise involves human-centred design of new technologies and environments for learning. He inaugurated the mLearn conference series and was Founding President of the International Association for Mobile Learning. He has worked with companies including Microsoft, Nokia and Sharp to design innovative technologies for mobile language learning. As Academic Lead for the FutureLearn company, he informed design of its social learning approach. He is Chief Academic Advisor at the FourthRev company and provides consultancy for organisations that include UNESCO and UNICEF. He founded the Innovating Pedagogy report series and is author of over 300 papers in the areas of educational technology, learning sciences, language and science education, human-centred design of personal technologies, artificial intelligence and cognitive science. His recent book is Practical Pedagogy: 40 New Ways to Teach and Learn, published by Routledge.

Carla Meskill

Carla Meskill, Professor of Educational Theory and Practice, State University of New York, Albany, researches best uses of media and technologies in classrooms, in online instruction, and in educator professional development. Research on these and related topics is widely available. Her most recent book, Digital Screen Mediation: Agency and Authenticity with Instructional Technologies, has just come out. Other books are Teaching Languages Online (2015) with Natasha Anthony, Teaching and learning in real time: Media, technologies, and language acquisition (2002), and more.

Dr. Natasha Anthony

Dr. Natasha Anthony is Director of the International Language Laboratory and Associate Professor of Russian at Hudson Valley Community College in New York. She designs and teaches online Russian courses as well as online graduate courses in Education. Her research focuses on technology enhanced language teaching and, more specifically, on the use of synchronous and asynchronous oral components in online language courses.

Svetlana Titova

Svetlana Titova - Vice Dean, Honorary Professor at the School of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, has more than thirty years’ experience in EFL teaching, training and publishing in foreign language education. She is a teacher trainer, international conference speaker, material writer and tutor of online professional development courses for EFL teachers. Her research areas are blended, mobile and distance learning. She is a coordinator of the online project Learning and Teaching with the Web (LTW) http://learnteachweb.ru/ aims at facilitating the process of implementing digital and mobile technologies into language classroom. She has co-authored the EFL coursebook as well as the teachers’ methodology handbooks. Svetlana’s research into teacher education practices won the award The Golden names of Higher education in Russian Federation in 2020.

Alexandra M. Pickett

Alexandra M. Pickett (@alexpickett) is the director of Online Teaching for SUNY Online, at the system-level of the State University of New York (SUNY). She is the former the director of the Open SUNY Center for Online Teaching Excellence, and the former associate director of the award-winning SUNY Learning Network (SLN). Working with the 64 SUNY institutions, she has directly supported or coordinated the development of 300+ online instructional designers and more than 6,000 online faculty and their web-delivered courses. She taught Introduction to Online Teaching in the online CDIT master’s program and the COLT certificate program at the University at Albany from 2006-2014. She was the principle investigator on the SUNY/SLN NGLC grant-funded project, an elected member of the former National University Technology Network advisory board, and on the steering committees of the OLC Accelerate and OLC Innovate conferences. She is the co-recipient of a number of national awards recognizing excellence in online faculty development, distance learning innovation, online effective practices, and institution-wide programming and systematic progress from Sloan-C, USDLA, OLC, NUTN, and WCET. She was recognized as a Sloan Fellow (2012), an honor conferred by the Sloan Consortium Board of Directors, also served on the Campus Technology Advisory Board for 2013-2015, and the advisory council for the 2013-2016 UPCEA Center for Online Leadership and Strategy. She was appointed by the New York State’s Governor’s Office to the NYS Education Department’s Online Learning Advisory Council from June 2015 to November 2015, which produced recommendations for the NYS Governor, Legislature and Commissioner of Education on K12 Online Learning, served as an expert panelist for the Horizon Reports for 2017- 2019 higher education editions; and was most recently Invited to be a Middle States Commission on Higher Education peer evaluator in March 2020. She has co-authored a number of research publications, and consults and speaks nationally and internationally on effective online teaching and learning, large-scale online faculty development, badging and online community building, online instructional design, and using web technologies to enhance instruction online. Learn more: https://online.suny.edu/onlineteaching/

Dr. Eileen O’Connor

Dr. Eileen O’Connor, from SUNY Empire State College in New York State, has been involved in using instruction and communication technologies in education settings since 1997 (her earlier work was in chemistry and was in computers at IBM). Since joining SUNY Empire State College, the majority of her undergraduate and graduate level instruction has been in 100% online. Dr. O’Connor uses a variety of interactive, online, distance-based approaches to networking her communication and education students within their courses as they develop their own technology-supported applications. Students participate from diverse areas including areas such as arts and K-12 teaching, language instruction, higher education teaching, and even healthcare and emergency medicine. Dr. O’Connor will highlight areas and technologies she has found useful in connecting students online across language, cultural, and distance venues.

Назаренко Алла Леонидовна

заслуженный профессор МГУ, доктор филологических наук, зав. кафедрой лингвистики и информационных технологий факультета иностранных языков и регионоведения МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова, стипендиат программы Фулбрайта. Читает лекционные курсы для студентов бакалавриата, магистратуры и аспирантуры, ведет спецкурсы и спецсеминары, руководит подготовкой дипломных работ, магистерских и кандидатских диссертаций. Имеет собственные авторские курсы. Выступает с докладами на международных и российских научных конференциях, имеет около 100 научных и учебно-методических публикаций.

Сфера профессиональных интересов: информатизация лингвистического образования, дистанционное и смешанное обучение, телекоммуникационные межкультурные образовательные проекты, телетандемное обучение; функциональная стилистика английского языка, язык профессиональной коммуникации; лингвострановедение, история и культура Великобритании и США; русский язык как иностранный.

Тарева Елена Генриховна

доктор педагогических наук, профессор, директор института иностранных языков Московского городского педагогического университета.

Pavel Sysoyev

Founding Director of Foreign Language Multicultural Education Research Laboratory and Professor of Applied Linguistics at Derzhavin Tambov State University and Professor at the Department of Digital Technologies in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at Moscow Pedagogical State University. He has M.A. in TESOL from The Pennsylvania State University and did his post-doctoral research at the University of Iowa. He is the author of about 200 publications in the field of Foreign language teaching, including monographs, research papers and textbooks. His research interests revolve around the development of professional foreign language communicative competence, intercultural communication, modern information and communication technologies and content and language integrated learning.