
Welcome to Hongchao Li's Page

I am an undergraduate student from USTC whose major is theoretical physics. My interest is mainly on condensed matter theory, especially quantum kinetic theory in thermal-electric transport and fractonic superconductivity.

My email address is: lhcwgzg@mail.ustc.edu.cn

My wechat number: 13252898875

There are some review of my work and notes on others' papers

My Taken Classes:

Theoretical Mechanics, Electronic Dynamics, Thermal Mechanics and Statistical Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Group Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Condensed Matter Field Theory, Quantum Many-Body Theory, General Relativity, Solid State Physics.

My research interests:

Thermoelectric Transport in Quantum Kinetic Theory (finished independently)

Related research paper: Quantum Kinetic Theory of Nonlinear Nernst Effect

The paper is on the arXiv and submitted to the journal: Physical Review B

Fractonic Superconductivity (directed by Prof. Peng Ye in Sun-Yat Sen University)

Related research paper: Fractonic Superconductivity