Foundational computer science knowledge (core competency) in the core areas (Groups 1, 2, and 3, above) must be exhibited by each student and certified by the school. This takes the form of achievement in core curriculum. A grade average of at least 3.30 (e.g., B+, B+, B+) must be achieved for the three core courses. Students below this average may take an additional core course and achieve a grade average of at least 3.15 (e.g., B+, B+, B, B).

I do a B.Sc. degree project in computer science at KTH Institute of Technology. The work included a fair amount of source code written in C and NuSMV and the report is somewhat technical even for a CS report. We had a peer review this week where I got to know

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At this point, you are in the home stretch. Except for writing the abstract, preparing your science fair project final report will just entail pulling together the information you have already collected into one large document.

Here is a sample science fair project final report. Note: The author's teacher did not require source citations and required a different format for the bibliography. Science Buddies staff added references and reformatted the bibliography at a later date; consequently, the page and volume references are fictitious for some of the sources.

Electives: Electives provide a breadth of experience in computer science and applications areas. Students who wish to include courses from departments outside of computer science need prior approval from the graduate program director. Refer to the course descriptions in the departments of computer science, engineering, mathematical sciences, and imaging science for possible elective courses.

Master's Thesis/Project: Students may choose the thesis or project option as the capstone to the program. Students who choose the project option must register for courses titled Computer Science MS Project. Students participate in required in-class presentations that are critiqued. A summary project report and public presentation of the student's project in poster form occur at the end of the semester.

Applicants must satisfy prerequisite requirements in mathematics (differential and integral calculus, probability and statistics, discrete mathematics, and computer science theory) and computing (experience with a modern high-level language [e.g., C++, Java], data structures, software design methodology, introductory computer architecture, operating systems, and programming language concepts).

Faculty members in the department of computer science are actively engaged in the following research areas: artificial intelligence, computer graphics and visualization, computer science education, data science, distributed systems, language and tools, security, and theory.

The degree is a thesis/non-thesis degree requiring a thesis/special project. The MS program offers a core concentration in computer science, a concentration in computational science, and a concentration in systems science.

For each concentration and option, at least half of the courses (including both core and electives taken) must be at the 7000 level. The student must submit a written MS thesis/project report and pass the final exam in which he/she defends the MS thesis/project in front of the advisory committee.

The program offers three concentrations: core computer science, computational science, and systems science. Students must select a concentration and complete either a thesis or a project. Elective requirements are dependent on the concentration and thesis/project option chosen.

The student must form a graduate advisory committee consisting of a professorial faculty from the CSE Division as the chair (major professor) and two other members. Before beginning thesis/project work, the student must obtain the approval of the committee chair (major professor). Work on the thesis/project must begin by the third semester or earlier and must span two consecutive semesters. The student must submit a written thesis/project report and pass the final oral exam in which he/she will defend the thesis/project in front of the advisory committee.

The student must form a graduate advisory committee consisting of a professorial faculty from the CSE Division as the chair (major professor) and two other members. The advisory committee for the project/thesis work must be formed by the end of first year. Work on the thesis/project must begin by the third semester or earlier and must span two consecutive semesters. Before beginning thesis/project work, the student must obtain the approval of the committee chair (major professor). The student must submit a written thesis/project report and pass the final oral exam in which the student will defend the thesis/project in front of the advisory committee. The student must register only for three credit hours in CSC 7090 or six credit hours in CSC 8000 each semester. Registration for additional hours in CSC 7090 and CSC 8000 is allowed only with approval by the committee and the graduate advisor.

It is expected that the MS student is able to conduct independent project/research on a significant problem in the field of computer science. For this reason, each student must prepare project/thesis report describing original, independent work and submit it to his/her advisory committee. The student defends the work in a public oral examination (called the MS Final Exam or MS Defense) before his or her advisory committee.

Three to six hours of the required 30 hours must be in CS 5990 Masters Research in Computer Science. Students pursuing the Report option must also prepare a project proposal, a written project report, and a defense of the report in a public forum.

The example schedule below assumes a student with a Michigan Tech B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering and a minor in computer science. The described student is interested in applying their background in civil and environmental engineering to the analysis of data from automated and connected vehicles.

Both require an oral exam as a final milestone. For the course-only option, the exam is administered by a three-person committee appointed by the Department Chair. The course-only exam is based on a portfolio composed of research papers, project reports, presentations and other professional documents each student has produced during the course of the MS program.

For the project option, the student completes a research project under the supervision of a faculty advisor and a committee of 2 additional faculty members; a written report about the research describes the objectives of the work, the previous state of the art, the results obtained, and how to use the results of the project. The student presents the report and defends the work in a public presentation before the committee.

MSEC is a course-only MS, which requires 30 hours of course credits (10 courses), one of which must be a capstone course. The exam is administered by a three-person committee appointed by the Directors of Graduate Studies for the 2 disciplines; students choose whether to be examined in the Computer Science department or in Economics, and the committee has a majority of members from the department chosen. The exam is based on a portfolio, composed of research papers, project reports, presentations and other professional documents produced during the course of the MS.

Synopsis of Program: The NSF CISE Directorate supports research and education projects that develop new knowledge in all aspects of computing, communications, and information science and engineering, as well as advanced cyberinfrastructure, through the following core programs:

The NSF Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) supports transformative research and education projects that develop new knowledge in all aspects of computing, communications, and information science and engineering, as well as advanced cyberinfrastructure, through multiple research programs across one office and three divisions:

Issues of fairness, ethics, accountability, and transparency (FEAT) are important considerations for many core topics in computer and information science and engineering. In projects that generate artifacts ranging from analysis methods to algorithms to systems, or that perform studies involving human subjects, PIs are encouraged to consider the FEAT of the outputs or approaches. CISE is also interested in receiving proposals whose primary foci are on methods, techniques, tools, and evaluation practices as means to explore implications for FEAT. In the exploration and use of FEAT concepts, PIs are strongly encouraged to select and articulate their own disciplinary or interdisciplinary approaches consistent or aligned with these concepts.

Organizations are discouraged from seeking project start dates between July 2 and September 30 of a given year to avoid overdue reports blocking award actions during the end of a federal fiscal year. Awardee organizations may incur allowable pre-award costs within the 90-day period immediately preceding the start date of the grant (see PAPPG Chapter X.A.2.b); this will allow support for students or other relevant activities to begin over this period.

One of the strategic objectives in support of NSF's mission is to foster integration of research and education through the programs, projects, and activities it supports at academic and research institutions. These institutions must recruit, train, and prepare a diverse STEM workforce to advance the frontiers of science and participate in the U.S. technology-based economy. NSF's contribution to the national innovation ecosystem is to provide cutting-edge research under the guidance of the Nation's most creative scientists and engineers. NSF also supports development of a strong science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce by investing in building the knowledge that informs improvements in STEM teaching and learning.

NSF's mission calls for the broadening of opportunities and expanding participation of groups, institutions, and geographic regions that are underrepresented in STEM disciplines, which is essential to the health and vitality of science and engineering. NSF is committed to this principle of diversity and deems it central to the programs, projects, and activities it considers and supports. 17dc91bb1f

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