Clean Your System and Free Disk Space

Everyone is well aware of the fact that after using a computer for some time, it is definitely going to slow down. You will feel like every click you perform will take ages to complete.

Not all of them can easily clear PC slow-down issues. For such users even simple computer maintenance tasks look very laborious. But, with the proper guidance any one can eradicate computer slow down problems.

What is Comptuner?

Comptuner is a software program used to remove unwanted files and clean up invalid Windows registry entries on a computer. The utility helps to improve computer performance and clear up any possible system errors.

Overview of Comptuner

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Over time, your computer's operating system and applications create their own files and documents. Browsers generate records of your surfing history and store cookies from the websites you visit, and your system creates administration files. Even deleted files and programs leave traces on your computer. Your Recycle Bin stores deleted documents until you empty it and, if you remove a program from your system, it may leave entries and broken links in the Windows Registry.

Comptuner finds these unused or unneeded files for you. If you allow Comptuner to delete them, you'll increase available disk space and optimize system performance. You can also protect your privacy by clearing tracking information and password data that is stored when you use the Internet and other applications.

Primary Comptuner Features

Comptuner has two primary cleaning features: The Cleaner and the Registry Cleaner.

The Comptuner works on Web browsers, Windows and applications, clearing items such as caches, temporary files, browsing history, cookie stores, log files and deleted items in the Recycle Bin.

The Registry Cleaner targets unused, incomplete or old entries in your computer's registry.

In both cases, you can choose where the utility searches, allowing you to exclude data from a scan if you prefer to keep it.