We teach German on all levels all year round - ranging from beginners to advanced (levels as defined by the Common European Reference Framework: A = elementary, B = intermediate, C = advanced). No matter what level you are on right now, you can start your German course in our school in Berlin any Monday you like. A placement test - consisting of a written and an oral part on your first Monday - will make sure that you will be learning with others of a similar level.

* The data in the table are approximate data. Depending on the speed of the group, it may take longer to complete the respective skill level. Quick learners have the opportunity to change groups (after consultation with the teacher).

Complete German Course Learn German For Beginners Free Download

Download 🔥 https://urlgoal.com/2y4yQG 🔥

In this course the native German speaking teacher covers the following topics: German speaking, German pronunciation, German writing, German grammar rules and patterns, German vocabulary, German conversation and communication skills. The interactive board and the subtitles help the visual learners and the immersion method used for teaching German accelerates the learning speed, the comprehension of the spoken German and the fluency.

This German course integrates the innovative and up-to-date teaching techniques with the valuable help of our expert teachers, who designed the lessons as short and intense e-learning sessions.

This German course for beginners offers you video courses that are tailored to incorporate various methods into teaching and accommodate different learning styles, so that they can be a perfect fit for each student, regardless of their knowledge level or of what they have learnt in schools.

We offer intensive German courses for beginners and evening, morning or weekend courses for beginners at A1 or A2 level. On request, we can also offer you a personal selection of German individual and small group courses .

An evening, morning or weekend course for beginners at level A1 or A2 lasts 20-24 days, including 72 lessons (each lasting 45 minutes). This means that, on average, you will have three lessons per evening, morning or weekend.

We offer intensive German courses and evening, morning or weekend courses for beginners at A1 or A2 level. After a placement test, which you can complete online or on-site, we will find the right level for you. You can then choose between an intensive course or an evening, morning or weekend course at your level. Would you prefer to learn from the comfort of your own home? Then our online courses are the optimal solution.

Learn to read, write, speak and listen with our Complete German course. Whatever your situation may be, our content (think everything from German grammar to vocabulary, for beginners to more advanced learners) has got you covered.

Why stop at the basics? Take your German further with lessons progressing to upper-intermediate level (B2). Expand your experiences on holiday with German for Travel and learn even more everyday language from our Life in Germany course.

When it comes to learning German for beginners, grammar would be the hardest part. No doubt, the grammatical part can be quite tricky at the beginning. But there are almost no exceptions to the German grammar rules, which makes it easier to remember them.

This 1-hour digital taster course is for beginners who are new to the Michel Thomas Method. Learn over 50 essential words at the heart of German and how to put them together to make yourself understood. From the very beginning you will be able to construct simple phrases by listening and thinking out answers for yourself. During the course, you will join Michel Thomas himself and 2 students in a live lesson. The course will take about 3-4 hours to complete and is available to stream or download via the Michel Thomas Method Library app. It is the first hour of the Foundation course.

This 8-hour digital course for beginners will give you significant results in a remarkably short period of time, with no books, exercises, memorizing or homework. You will join Michel himself and 2 students as they learn in real time, becoming the third member of the class and experiencing the excitement of learning a language as if by magic. Within the first hour you will be able to construct simple sentences. By the end of the course, you will have the confidence to understand and speak basic German. You will learn at your own pace, pausing and repeating where necessary, and complete the course in about 20-30 hours. This course is available to stream or download via the Michel Thomas Method Library app.

Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Intermediate (B1)

In this "Learn German Language: Complete German Course - Intermediate" (B1) course the native German speaking teacher covers the following topics: German vocabulary, German grammar rules (intermediary-advanced), German pronunciation, German syntax, famous Germans, a brief history of Germany, German dialects, German writing and many teaching German exercises. The interactive board helps the visual learners and the method used for teaching accelerates the learning speed, the comprehension of the spoken German and the fluency. The course is ideal for learning German (intermediate level B1) and includes free .pdf support and practice tests / quizzes. Deutsch lernen!

This online platform offers access to a bunch of free university courses. There are courses that explicitly teach German, as well as those with German instruction. It benefits from the quality and structure that usually come with university courses, but it might not appeal to learners that prefer a more light-hearted approach. Another benefit for some is that a certificate of completion is available for purchase upon completion.

This dictionary is meant for those learning German as a foreign language and is entirely in German. It really is a lot of fun to refer to, to explore, to read, and to study. It is challenging enough but not at all so challenging that it would be a chore to work with. (Of course, that assumes that the learner is not still just a beginner in German.)

It offers learning paths for beginners and advanced learners, allowing users to learn the language at their own pace. The app also features great speech recognition technology to help learners improve their pronunciation!

If you have had less than two years of high school German, then you should probably be taking GER 101. University-level language courses are much more intensive than their high school counterparts, and students who have completed less than two years of high school German (or equivalent self-study) often have trouble jumping straight into upper-level courses.

If you are interested in taking courses in Germany, WCU offers plenty of opportunities! For those who cannot spend an entire semester abroad, the faculty-led summer program in Germany is an excellent option. Most summers, Dr. Lehman takes a group of students to Germany for four weeks (usually during June), where each student takes six credit hours of German language and culture. In the past, we have had courses at the beginning (GER101/102), intermediate (GER231/232) and advanced (two three-credit courses at the 300-400 level) levels. If you are interested in learning more, contact Dr. Lehman at welehman@wcu.edu. Applications for the following summer are usually due in November.

German 110: Beginning German II. (3) This second semester course in German is only for students who have completed German 109 at UofSC. It builds on the material introduced in German 109, offering the student the opportunity to continue the development of listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills in modern German. Also taught in the evening.

German 122: Basic Proficiency in German. (3) This course is open only to those students who have successfully completed German 110 or 121 or have received a G3 score on the University of South Carolina German Placement Test. Through the use of authentic video, audio, and reading materials students are offered the opportunity to develop their reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills in modern German. The course also includes some instruction in everyday German culture. Successful completion of the exit examination fulfills the foreign language requirement for the College of Arts and Sciences.

German 210: Intermediate German. (Prereq.: Germ 122 or score of G5 on Phase II placement test.).The goal of German 210 is to strengthen all four language skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) and review the grammar learned in the 100-level courses while introducing you to contemporary German culture and literature. With your active participation, you will hone your reading strategies in German, enabling you to understand and analyze authentic German texts, write longer essays based on your opinions and readings, improve your spoken and written accuracy, and learn about various aspects of the culture of German-speaking countries.

German 211: Intermediate German. (Prereq.: Germ 122 or score of G5 on Phase II placement test.) This course will continue to practice the listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as well as complete the grammar review begun in German 210. Students will read progressively longer German texts, engage in more involved writing activities, watch German films, and listen to authentic German to learn more about the history and culture of German-speaking countries.

German 290: Viking Mythology. The course is an introduction to the mythology and heroic poetry of Viking Age Scandinavia. The history and culture of the Germanic tribes will provide background for the readings. Attention will be paid to Icelandic society at the time the myths and much of the heroic poetry were recorded. The mythologic texts deal with the gods of war, fertility, justice, magic, and learning. In addition to the heroic lays of the Elder Edda, we will also read Beowulf and Icelandic prose texts, including a saga. e24fc04721

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