Divisions & Awards


Dances are grouped by LEVEL, TYPE, CATEGORY & AGE DIVISION

For example: Troupe Mini's "Jungle Love" would be Primary Large Group Jazz 7


There are 5 levels - Inspirational, Novice, Primary, Intermediate & Elite

TROUPE competes at the Primary level

COMPANY competes at the Intermediate or Elite level


Solo & Duet/Trios: 1, 2 or 3 dancers

Small Group: 4-9 dancers

Large Group: 10-19 dancers

Line: 20+ dancers

Production: 15+ dancers with extended time limit


Categories of Dance GFDC will compete in are: Jazz, Lyrical, Contemporary, Musical Theater, and Open


A dancer's age is determined as of January 1, 2023 

Group dances are determined by the average age of all dancers

Age divisions are as follows: 5 & under, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 & Above.

Overall High Point awards will be presented to the following age divisions: 5 & under, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-19


The MOST IMPORTANT aspects of competition are for the dancers to ENJOY themselves, PERFORM to the best of their ability, and take PRIDE in what they are doing 

The scoring and awards come second to all of that - it is not about "winning"

All entries receive an award based on their adjudication score. The highest award is

Elite Top First, followed by Top First, First, and High Second. 

Adjudication scores are determined by a panel of 3 judges based on Technique (40 points), Stage Presence (25 points), Execution of Performance (20 points), Choreography (10 points), and Overall Appearance (5 points).

Solos can also enter the optional Title Competition for their age division. These scores are based on Technique (30 points), Overall Entertainment Value (25 points), Stage Presence (20 points), Execution of Choreography (15 points) and Costume (10 points).

Note: the actual scores are not announced and are only provided to the studio director (so don't ask!)

Overall High Point Awards recognize the top entries in each age division for each level. Additional Awards/Judge's Choice Awards/Scholarships recognize dancers/dances that stand out to the judges for various reasons.