What is Compassion?

"If we want to create a viable, peaceful world, we've got to integrate compassion into the gritty realities of the 21st century"- Karen Armstrong

Karen Armstrong, winner of the 2008 TED prize for her talk on the need for compassion in our world has created the International Charter for Compassion and urges us all to sign on and dedicate ourselves to helping to create a more compassionate tomorrow.

As educators we believe it is our duty to not only to prepare our students academically, but to also prepare them to be conscientious, responsible and kind global citizens. On our site you will find tips and links to help educators cultivate compassion not only in their students but in themselves and the larger community. We've targeted 5 areas where educators can learn more about compassion in their lives. We have self-compassion, compassion towards your students, cultivating compassion in your classroom, compassion for colleagues and compassion for parents. We sincerely hope that you are inspired by our message and that you will implement some of the suggestions we offer.

"Compassion is a practically acquired knowledge, like dancing. You must do it and practice day by day" -Karen Armstrong


Individuals that are kind to others are happier in general

Statistics indicate that when we shift the focus off ourselves and our own issues, it generally makes us feel happier.

Negativity is contagious and similarly is kindness

People who are compassionate and kind have a better chance of influencing those around them. They too will likely ‘catch the bug’ of being developing compassionate qualities.

Compassionate individuals are healthier

They get don’t get sick as often and live longer.

Compassion reduces racial and other biases

By practicing compassion, we develop appreciation, empathy, and understanding towards all that are different from us and therefore, we reduce our bias.
