Create templates that include preset information, boilerplate code, and webhooks. Then use those templates in Compass to quickly create software components that automate repetitive tasks and orchestrate the rest of your tools and systems.

Hey hey product manager who made that very difficult decision here! Bitbucket Cloud support for templates is currently being worked on by the team. Expect it before end of year, I too am very anxious for it ?

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Using a base Git repository, create templates that include boilerplate code and CI/CD pipelines, preset information, and webhooks. Then use those templates to quickly create software components that automate repetitive tasks and orchestrate the rest of your tools and systems.

To create this workbook, The Grove collaborated with Mary Robins, M.A. in Career Development. 99 pages.

You may purchase The Career Compass as a complete binder, or as bundled 10 packs of 11" x 17" templates and instructions that counselors and coaches may use selectively in their practice.

Access Template Repository: Identify a basic template repository compatible with Compass that aligns with healthcare application needs. Look for frameworks or templates that cater to healthcare UI/UX requirements, such as intuitive design elements, accessibility features, or data visualization components relevant to medical records or patient interfaces.

As to the use of templates, the group of so-called Hadley chests used a template to mark out the carved designs. Here is one a former apprentice in my shop, Brian Weldy, made about 9 years ago, along with a sample of the carved pattern. No telling what the original templates were made from, but this thin piece of oak works just fine.

The compass you use. Have you ever done a piece on it? I searched you blog but did not find anything. You use it in your recent released DVD which I purchase and enjoyed. Did you have it made by a blacksmith? I have looked high and low to find one simliar, but no success. Thank much. Really do enjoy your blog.

A short description: We use 16 different compass directions. So 360/16 is 22.5. Dividing the bearing by 22.5 give us an index into the list with the directions. N is a little special. As it appears at the beginning and the end of the list. So it will work for 0 and for 360. The rest is Ninja templating.

You are the backbone of our research, teaching and outreach missions. Our Creative Services team has been hard at work developing ready-made graphic tools and templates to support you and all that you do. Designed in PowerPoint to be easy to edit, below you will find templates and resources for:

I have created a compass project in my theme and I have the SASS default stylesheets ie.scss print.scss and screen.scss - I created a .scss file for each of the Omega stylesheets. They are then compiled to CSS and watched by Compass.

I see the patch is adding @import to templates etc. But I seem to have it working fine without the patch, perhaps you could elucidate the benefits of patching the project? I would rather not fork the base project and keep all the mods in my subtheme. If it adds some automation for Compass, I have no problem with running compass compile path/to/my/project or compass watch path/to/my/projecton the terminal instead.

My patch adds a forked HTML5 base theme w/Sass+Compass stuff because I didn't want to hack anymore of Omega to add a flag to Drush to put the Sass+Compass stuff in. Otherwise, it's the same thing you'er doing, plus the _base.scss partial w/imports (a best practice I'd advocate for either way).

As for Drush Compass, without looking at the code, it sounds like a Drush alias for compass watch (I will look further though).

The stylesheets you get with a base theme is blank to begin with, so all I'm doing with is importin the base partial to share variables, functions, and mixins across all of your stylesheets. As for not being able to convert between CSS and Sass, if you're using Sassy CSS syntax (.scss), all you need to do is rename your .css file .scss and you're good. There's also tools like this:


So yah, you can convert back from CSS to Sass. That being said, none of the CSS you get from a brand new starterkit from Omega have any CSS in them already, so this isn't an issue.

None of that is needed. Go into any theme, ANY theme, and in the root of the theme, jump into command line, and do

compass init

It'll create your config.rb file, a Sass and Stylesheets directory, and creates default CSS/Sass files for you (print, screen, and ie), and makes the config.rb file point where you want. If you'd prefer your CSS in the CSS directory, edit config.rb to point to CSS instead of Stylesheets. If you have CSS files you'd like turned into Sass files, move everything in css into sass and rename .scss. No need for drush make files or complicated git stuff, if you have Compass you can get started with minimal work (actually, from looking at those instructions, less work than the tutorial)

Why use Drush with Compass? I think the best reason is that Drush knows the path to the Compass project by giving it the theme name. Also, the Compass commands are registered with Drush, which means you don't have to invoke compass directly from the command line, when you are already using Drush eg drush compile [my_theme]

As for Drush with Compass, I can understand the added convenience of having drush integration for on-server deploy-time compiling of Sass, but there's no reason to use it when developing locally because compass compile is very inefficient whereas cding into your theme's folder, running compass watch, and forgetting about it, is much much easier.

I tend to disagree, the work done by the guys at Sassy delivers pretty much all of compass newest features and is working great AFAIK.

Compass is not included in the compiler you linked to but is in the module.

There are many cases where a php based compiler is a great benefit, even if not shipping the latest compass version.

Obviously, if all you want is Omega+Compass, using Sassy or a native compiler is far better then my little frankenstein experiment.

The most common command is actually compass watch, if you're using compass compile whenever you want to update your CSS while you're working, you simply don't understand how to work with Sass+Compass. compass watch uses negligible system resources and is designed for active work. compass compile is for one-off compilation like if you need to recompile all of your CSS or if you're not committing CSS to your repo and need to do a one-off compile on server.

The Drush Compass module is a Drush wrapper for the Compass gem, and requires that gem and doesn't work without it. The other solutions proposed are about being able to compile Sass+Compass without the gem. There are plenty of reasons to have more than one way to compile Sass available, especially when one requires a dependency that many people don't have available to them on a server level and one that doesn't, so suggesting that we don't need another because we already have one is a bit short sighted, no?

I understand what compass watch does and in the comment to which you replied I asked if anybody actually had metrics for its resource use. If you're not actively editing your css, but you go in to make a change, then it seems that compass compile makes more sense for an instance.

If you want to contribute a patch to the Compass module that adds drush compass watch support I'm sure it would be welcome, but you don't want to use drush for compass anyway, so there's no need to comment on the decision of someone who has contributed a useful extension of drush to compile compass.

Here is what I did, and it is working well so far.

1) I looked at where the upcoming Omega v. 7.4 is placing compass/sass files, which is the root of your Omega subtheme. (So, the compass 'config.rb' is in the root, and there are /css and /sass subdirectories.)

cd /path/to/drupal/sites/all/themes/

2) Create a bare compass setup matching the above description, using these command parameters:

Ā compass create . --sass-dir=sass --bare

3) Copy your Omega CSS files from the /css subdirectory to the /sass subdirectory, and change the extensions to ".scss".

An email template provides a structure to describe the content of an email that will be sent on a specific event. These templates ideally contain necessary information about the event/status/work item that the recipient should know about. A template provides the ability for us to use static text along with some variables in the subject and body of an email. At runtime, IdentityNow will render an email template by replacing variables with proper values.

A bulk transfer/update capability from sandbox to production would be MOST useful. Also, where is the listing of the variables called out in the email templates? I'd like a full listing so I can craft the emails to my liking.

There is potential to get a lot right here. With a well-thought-out template concept, proper execution, and the aid of helpful tools and processes, it is possible to make professional Word templates a reality.

When it comes to Word templates, success is measurable. And the criteria for this are actually quite similar at most companies: Consistent branding, legally compliant documents, high-quality content of standard documents, user productivity, and efficient provision processes. The fine-tuning that leads to this success is simple:

First collect all the templates you can get. Go to each of the departments, ask them for their templates, and make sure you understand what their requirements are. Group these templates by combining things that are similar. Use this to then create basic templates due to be provided centrally at the company in future, and on which all other templates can be based.

Using the same styles in all documents makes it much easier to transfer content between documents. So, make your styles general for all templates, using case-specific exceptions if necessary, to keep the number manageable. The time spent on a concept beforehand pays off very quickly, especially for styles, as the effort involved with repeatedly adapting styles in all documents down the road can be sizeable. e24fc04721

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