Company Setup Dubai

Advantages of Mainland Company Setup

There are two kinds of categories to consider before you start the company in UAE. One is mainland and another is a free zone. If you have decided to do a mainland company set up in Dubai then it is necessary to know the difference between the two categories and the pros of setting up a mainland company. Also, the clearer the views you have on the concept of owning a mainland company the more beneficial it will be to your business and its foundations.

What is Mainland Company Setup?

Both mainland and free zone endorses the rapid expansion of business in UAE. Mainland company setup in Dubai requires you to have a citizen of there as your sponsor where free zone requires nothing of that sort except fulfilling legal applications and a capital. A mainland company setup in the main centre of the region with permission and license from the Department of Economic Development also known as DED in short. With a mainland setup, the business can spread within and outside the region as well.

Make Sure That Company Has A Licence Approved By The DED

No restrictions are applied to any business be that professional or commercial if the company has a licence approved by the DED. The percentage of share held by the local shareholder is more than the expat. For professional business, all the share are held by the expat but the Local Service Agent appointed belongs from the country and has to be a holder of UAE citizenship.

Mainland Company Setup and its Requirements

The mainland company setup in UAE has some requirements that need to be taken care of before you can proceed with establishing your business. You need to select a name and activity for your business and get it approved along with contacting and selecting a local partner. After your application for the initial approval is forwarded you need to have the court notarization and the MOA documents prepared. The next step is to get the documents about your space and rent contract ready before you proceed for the final submission.

Mainland Company Setup Consultation

You may feel that some of the decisions are quite heavy to make all alone while trying to get a mainland company setup in UAE. Here is where the experts will help you out with finding out information about your investor and his credibility along with the availability of space for official us, its renting procedures and the approval for a license.

Business Setup Consultants is there to help you with these tough decisions and is going to stay by your side till all the procedures are over. We try to make the documents process faster so that you can have an early launch.