Parish SCAN

"In 1995, we, the villagers of Parham a few miles from Chediston, took part in a Village Appraisal. Officers from Suffolk Rural Development Area and Suffolk ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) attended the Annual Parish Meeting to help us consider aspects of our village life. The Appraisal encouraged us to think about our environment; housing, transport, wildlife, and many other factors. The seeds for the SCAN had been sown!"

"Later, the Parish Council became interested in an article in the 'Shire Magazine', a publication produced by SALC (Suffolk Association of Local Councils). The article was written on behalf of Professor Denis Bellamy of the National Museum of Wales who had instigated 'Community SCAN' amongst primary schools and was wishing to develop his work on community records within smaller communities. The SCAN idea coincided with interest in several other ideas under consideration by the Parish Council as possible millennium projects. In order for the Parish Council to carry out the wishes of the parishioners in respect of a millennium project, every household was given the opportunity to suggest, and later vote on, a number of ideas. These were as follows:

1. Refurbishing School Canteen for extended use as an alternative community centre for clubs such as Mothers and Toddlers, Ladies Circle, Gardening Club, Youth Club etc.

2. Millennium Bell — the tower presently houses 3 'dead' bells although it is believed the frame could house a 4th 'dead' bell.

3. Tourist Information Board to include circular walk and places of interest.

4. Environmental Improvements - including clearing out pond adjacent to Elm Tree Farm, North Green, and improving the public footpaths and circular walk.

5. Aiding the Restoration of the Dakota DC3 Aircraft at Parham Air Museum.

6. Car Park at Village Hall - tarmacing part of grassed area.

7. Parish Scan - producing a detailed record of life in Parham today, recording the past and expressing our hopes for the future.

8. Village Map — showing physical and environmental features of the village.

9. Seat — suggested siting in the Churchyard.

10. Niche on the Church Tower - investigate repairing niche - to reinstate missing emblem.

11. Flood Lighting St. Mary's Church - flood lighting for use on special occasions.

The Parish SCAN was the chosen option."

"Consequently the Parish Council invited Professor Denis Bellamy, Ruth Downing (Prof. Bellamy's Local Assistant) and Trevor Gibson (Suffolk Coastal District Council's representative) to an open meeting held on 3rd February 1998 to explain the principles of producing a Parish SCAN. We hoped that as many people as possible in the village would be able to contribute information for the project. A specially formed 'Millennium Committee' would be responsible for the organising, formatting and publication of material. It was to be a pioneering exercise as we were the first village nationally to undertake such a project."

Parham SCAN Online

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