Bluetooth Commander

User guide

Custom layout

[under construction]


Custom layout is fully customisable user interface. You can design your own layout which suits your needs. Connection to multiple devices is possible. Logging functionality stays the same as in the basic layout.

Custom layout is currently available only in PRO version.

Custom layout example

Custom layout example

Creating custom layout

When you first switch to custom layout, it is empty. You can construct it from different types of components to suit your need. To add or remove a component to the layout, you need to enter position/size editing mode by clicking on 'A' symbol in the top panel near the menu button.

To add a component to the layout click on + button and select a type you want. Following components are available:

  • Connect panel - provides functionality to connect to remote device(s) and overview of all connected devices. This component is basically mandatory since it provides functionality to connect to remote device(s). Only one instance of this view component is allowed.

  • Log - has the same functionality as in basic layout. It displays received data and informational messages for the user. If you do not need logging function, you can omit this component. Only one instance of this view component is allowed.

  • Button - commands can be assigned to the buttons. When a connection is established to a remote device(s), clicking on button results into its command being send to remote device(s).

  • Quick send - text box with editable text (hexadecimal or text) which can be send to remote device(s). [this component is available from app version 6.1]

In position/size editing mode, each placed view can be resized and its position can be changed. In this mode, borders of all placed views are highlighted (cyan colour). If you you touch a button near its centre you can move it in the layout. If you touch it near the border you can move this border making it bigger or smaller.

To remove a view from the layout click on the x button on the top panel. Select the view which you want to remove from the list of all previously added views.

When you placed all the views which you need to the layout, finish editing by clicking on the check symbol in top right.

Click check to finish editing component sizes and positions

Layout ready. Now we can assign commands to the buttons

Assigning commands to the buttons

Commands can be assigned to the buttons. When you add new button to the layout, no command is assigned to it. Button label contain "Empty". This is indicated also by the transparency of the button. Once a command is assigned to the button, it will become opaque. To assign a command to a button, simply click on it (when it is empty).

Choose the type of command which you want to assign to the button. Creating command is the same as in the basic or gamepad layout layout.

Creating HEX command

Creating string command

First button has been assigned a command

All buttons now has assigned commands

Button options

Buttons can be further customised. To show additional options use long click on the button. This options are only available after you finish position/size editing and after you assign a command to the button.

  • Edit command - select this option if you want to edit existing command. All its parameters can be changed (value, send interval, image...). However if you want to change hex command to string command (or vice versa), you need to remove assigned command first and then create a new one.

  • Remove assigned commands - will remove assigned command. Button will become semi-transparent. New command can be then assigned.

  • Change colour - changes colour of the button. This option is only available if a command has been already assigned to the button.

  • Enable/Disable - unneeded buttons can be disabled to prevent miss-clicks (like showing unwanted button options, etc...). Disabled buttons are barely visible. To enable disabled button, use long click and select again enable/disable.

Everything you create is automatically saved. Everything can also be changed, removed, resized or replaced. New view components can be added and unneeded components can be removed.

Now our layout is ready. We can start using it. Let`s connect to remote device.

Our layout is ready.


To be able to establish connection(s) to remote devices, you need to place connect panel component to the layout. Connecting to a remote device(s) is the same as in basic layout. Click on the "Connect" button and select the type of device which you want to connect to. On your smartphone you need Bluetooth to be turned on. If Bluetooth is off, it will be automatically turned on by app when clicked on "Connect" button. Turning on Bluetooth adapter takes a few seconds.

Connecting to a classic bluetooth device

Connecting to a BLE device

Sending command

Once the command has been created and assigned to the button, simply click on the button and its command will be sent to connected device(s). If the command has no send period defined, it will be sent once. If the command has send period specified, there are two options how to enable periodical sending:

  • Enable/disable by click - clicking on a button will enable periodical sending and the next click will disable it.

  • Enable when button is pressed - periodical sending will be enabled while the button is hold pressed. Sending will stop once the button is released.

Default behaviour is enable/disable by click. It can be changed in settings for this layout (menu button -> This layout setting). Notice however, that if you select option enable when button is pressed, some of the button customisation options (like changing colour, editing command...) will be temporary unavailable since they are accessible by a long click. To make them available again, select option enable/disable by click.

Data logging

If you need logging functionality, you can place log view to the layout. Incoming data will be then logged in this view. Principles are the same as data logging in basic layout.

See Data logging in basic layout

Unlike in basic or gamepad layout, log view size and positions can be changed. This is done in position editing mode (click on 'A' symbol in top panel).

To clear a log (if presented) click menu button -> Clear log.

Global settings

These are the settings which are common for all available layouts (basic, gamepad, custom). To access the app settings click on the 3 lines symbol in the top right corner in the main screen.

See global settings for the app.

To see settings for the gamepad layout, see next section.

Additional layout settings

Additional custom layout settings are available via menu button -> This layout setting. These are the settings which are related only to custom layout.

  • Enabling periodical sending - Select the method how you want to enable periodical sending for commands with send period specified. 2 options are available: Enable/disable by click - clicking on a button will enable periodical sending and the next click will disable it. Enable when button is pressed - periodical sending will be enabled while the button is hold pressed. Sending will stop once the button is released. Default behaviour is enable/disable by click. Notice however, that if you select option enable when button is pressed, some of the button customisation options (like changing colour, editing command...) will be temporary unavailable since they are accessible by a long click. To make them available again, select option enable/disable by click.

  • Background - Select a background color which you like the most (currently in BETA only Default option is available, more options will come in future updates).

  • User guide - link to this page