Communication Bridge

Complex mode


Complex mode [in development]

Complex mode will be an upgradable feature of Communication bridge app (one time in app purchase, not a subscription), which will extend the device limit from 2 to up to 8 devices. Retransmission will be edited in the form of a matrix, and each device will be able to retransmit to any other. Autostart script will support up to 8 devices.


This feature is currently in the development - ready for internal testing. If you want to test it, please send me an email an you will get an early access to the app with this feature.  As a reward, you will keep this functionality for free, once it is released ;)

Activating complex mode

Once this feature is purchased, it can be activated from the menu. Click on App mode and select Complex mode, and enter device count. App layout will adjust for required device count. In complex mode, retransmissions are edited in the form of a matrix. If you want to return back to editing retransmission options for only 2 devices, switch back to Simple AB bridge and the app layout will simplify back to default appearance.

Retransmission matrix

Since complex bridge mode allows to activate up to 8 devices, retransmission can be edited in the form of a matrix. Each element of the matrix represent retransmission relation between specific device in a particular row and column and can have a boolean value of true or false, allowing or disabling respective retransmission. Let`s see following example.

This matrix represents retransmission configuration for 3 devices - one in each row. Rows represents receiver (RX) side. The columns represents the same devices (same order) but on a transmit (TX) side. So enabling (highlighting) a cell in the first row , second column [1,2] to true (true = arrow pointing up) means the data from device A (first row) will be retransmitted to device B (second row). The retransmissions from the image above can be summarized as follows:

If you enable a cell on the main diagonal for a specific device, then this device will provide an echo function - it will send all received data back to sender. You can combine an echo with retransmission functionality.


Autostart script works the same way in Simple AB bridge and Complex mode. In Complex mode it can start automatically all 8 devices. For the retransmission options, actual retransmission matrix is applied.