SG-FRONT provides semantic scene graphs for 3D-FRONT (refined version). A semantic scene graph is defined by a set of tuples between nodes and edges where nodes represent specific 3D object instances. Nodes are defined by their semantics, a hierarchy of classes. The edges in our graphs are the semantic relationships (predicates) between the nodes, including standing on or same material as, following 3DSSG.

Data Organization

Download link: SG-FRONT and additional bboxes. Download and unzip them to path/to/3D-FRONT. The data in the provided files is organized as follows:

|-- relationships_{type}_trainval.json

    List of all triplets consisting of semantic classes (nodes) and semantic relationships (edges) in the trainval split.

|-- relationships_{type}_test.json

    List of all triplets consisting of semantic classes (nodes) and semantic relationships (edges) in the test split.

|-- classes_{type}.txt

    List of the semantic classes in the current room type.

|-- relationships.txt

    List of all relationship types.

|-- obj_boxes_{type}_trainval.json

    Oriented bounding boxes in each scene in the trainval split.

|-- obj_boxes_{type}_test.json

    Oriented bounding boxes in each scene in the test split.

|-- boxes_centered_stats_{}_trainval.txt

Box normalization parameters in the trainval split.

|-- boxes_centered_stats_{}_test.txt

Box normalization parameters in the test split.

|-- cat_jid_*.json (not necessary for commonscenes)

Object instance id with the bounding box size.

Data Formats

SG-FRONT is for the general purpose of scene graph research:

Object relationships (edges) (relationships_*.json):


  "scans": [


      "scan": "MasterBedroom-33296",

      "objects": {"1": "dressing_table", "2": "nightstand", "3": "stool", "4": "double_bed", "5": "cabinet", "6": "pendant_lamp", "7": "wardrobe", "8": "floor"},

      "relationships": [


          6,  // subject instance id in the current scene

          5,  // object instance id in the current scene

          1, // relationships id (order aligned with relationships.txt)

          "left" // textual semantic relationship (from relationships.txt)


        [ 5, 2, 14, "same super category as" ],

        [ 4, 1, 10, "taller than" ],

        [ 7, 2, 15, "same material as" ], 




    }, { 





Bbox information is for additional usages:

Object bboxes (obj_boxes_*.json):


  "MasterBedroom-33296": { // room id from preprocessed 3D-FRONT

      "1": {"param7": [1.0406779999999998, 1.098808, 0.4491219999999996, -5.370314764104733, 0.0, -4.066067038275899, 0], // bbox size and pose (l,h,w,x,y,z,angle), with positive y-axis up. Notice that bbox size is different from ATISS's definition. 

           "8points": [[-5.890653764104733, 0.0, -4.290628038275899], [-5.890653764104733, 0.0, -3.841506038275899], [-5.890653764104733, 1.098808, -4.290628038275899], [-5.890653764104733, 1.098808, -3.841506038275899], [-4.849975764104733, 0.0, -4.290628038275899], [-4.849975764104733, 0.0, -3.841506038275899], [-4.849975764104733, 1.098808, -4.290628038275899], [-4.849975764104733, 1.098808, -3.841506038275899]], // bbox vertices

            "scale": [1, 1, 1], // always 1

            "model_path": "/media/ymxlzgy/Data/Dataset/3D-FRONT/3D-FUTURE-model/1791e0c9-15fc-4fa9-80df-e73332ed6ce0/raw_model.obj"}, // the object model in 3D-FUTURE. The head path needs to be changed.

      "2": {"param7": [0.48633499999999996, 0.607177, 0.4845579999999998, -2.560559506120386, 0.0, -4.061041670654544, 0],

          "8points": [[-2.803745506120386, 0.0, -4.303502670654543], [-2.803745506120386, 0.0, -3.8189446706545436], [-2.803745506120386, 0.607177, -4.303502670654543], [-2.803745506120386, 0.607177, -3.8189446706545436], [-2.3174105061203862, 0.0, -4.303502670654543], [-2.3174105061203862, 0.0, -3.8189446706545436], [-2.3174105061203862, 0.607177, -4.303502670654543], [-2.3174105061203862, 0.607177, -3.8189446706545436]],

            "scale": [1, 1, 1], 

            "model_path": "/media/ymxlzgy/Data/Dataset/3D-FRONT/3D-FUTURE-model/62319141-32fa-4353-b2ff-ec31ca232e3e/raw_model.obj"}, 


      "scene_center": [-2.9265, 0.0, -2.7]}, // the average center of the current room


  "MasterBedroom-9404": {


      "scene_center": [2.96192, 0.0, 0.32996000000000003]}





The dataset is released under MIT license. Our automatic labeling setup can be downloaded here for reference and potential adjustment. This can ONLY be run after preprocessing 3D-FRONT following Diffuscene or  ATISS.