See our list of Windows 8 Command Prompt commands for all of the commands available through Command Prompt in Windows 8, including short descriptions and links to more in-depth information if we have it.

In Windows 7 and Windows Vista, it's a bit faster to enter command in the search box at the bottom of the Start menu and then choose Command Prompt when it appears in the results.

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Type the command cd followed by a space and the name of the folder. For example, assuming you're currently in the Users folder and want to change to the Documents folder, the command is cd Documents. You can also type in cd and drag and drop the folder you want to switch to into Command Prompt.

Use the cd command to change directories in Command Prompt. To access another drive, type the drive letter followed by a : (C:, D:, etc.). View the contents of a folder using the dir command.

All supported versions of Windows and Windows Server have a set of Win32 console commands built in. This set of documentation describes the Windows Commands you can use to automate tasks by using scripts or scripting tools.

Windows has two command-line shells: the Command shell and PowerShell. Each shell is a software program that provides direct communication between you and the operating system or application, providing an environment to automate IT operations.

The Command shell was the first shell built into Windows to automate routine tasks, like user account management or nightly backups, with batch (.bat) files. With Windows Script Host, you could run more sophisticated scripts in the Command shell. For more information, see cscript or wscript. You can perform operations more efficiently by using scripts than you can by using the user interface. Scripts accept all commands that are available at the command line.

PowerShell was designed to extend the capabilities of the Command shell to run PowerShell commands called cmdlets. Cmdlets are similar to Windows Commands but provide a more extensible scripting language. You can run both Windows Commands and PowerShell cmdlets in PowerShell, but the Command shell can only run Windows Commands and not PowerShell cmdlets.

A reference of exit and error codes for Windows Commands can be found in the Debug system error codes articles that may be helpful to understanding errors produced. Windows Commands also include command redirection operators. To learn more of their use, see Using command redirection operators.

You can also enable or disable file and directory name completion per instance of a Command shell by running cmd.exe with the parameter and switch /F:ON or /F:OFF. If name completion is enabled with the /F:ON parameter and switch, the two control characters used are Ctrl-D for directory name completion and Ctrl-F for file name completion. User-specified settings take precedence over computer settings, and command-line options take precedence over registry settings.

A command prompt is the input field in a text-based user interface screen for an operating system (OS) or program. The prompt is designed to elicit an action. The command prompt consists of a brief text string followed by a blinking cursor, which is where the user types command prompt commands.

Command-line interfaces (CLI) and prompts were the standard interface for computers from the early days of computing into the 1980s. Microsoft MS-DOS systems and other early consumer-based computers used CLIs. Current Windows systems offer the CLI for administrative tasks. The CLI is still an essential part of the Linux OS.

The command prompt is an executable CLI program, cmd.exe. At the command prompt, the user types a statement including a base batch file or a command name and any arguments to specify running conditions, logging and so on for the program. In Windows systems, such as Windows 10 and many previous versions of Windows, the command interpreter and executioner are referred to as the Windows Command Processor.

Command prompt interfaces can be powerful and succinct. Some tools that aren't available through the graphical user interface (GUI) can be accessed through the command prompt. It also offers superior automation through scripting, but mastering the commands can be challenging.

Many Windows users regularly use the GUI. However, it is helpful to know how to execute system functions in the command prompt window. For example, basic functions such changing a directory or performing an examination of the system disk are easy to execute at the command level.

Now the system needs a command to execute something in the applications directory. To check on the status of the elements associated with a specific directory, the user enters the following at the command prompt:

Command Prompt, also known as cmd.exe or cmd, is the default command-line interpreter for the OS/2,[1] eComStation, ArcaOS, Microsoft Windows (Windows NT family and Windows CE family), and ReactOS[2] operating systems. On Windows CE .NET 4.2,[3] Windows CE 5.0[4] and Windows Embedded CE 6.0[5] it is referred to as the Command Processor Shell. Its implementations differ between operating systems, but the behavior and basic set of commands are consistent. .mw-parser-output .monospaced{font-family:monospace,monospace}cmd.exe is the counterpart of COMMAND.COM in DOS and Windows 9x systems, and analogous to the Unix shells used on Unix-like systems. The initial version of cmd.exe for Windows NT was developed by Therese Stowell.[6] Windows CE 2.11 was the first embedded Windows release to support a console and a Windows CE version of cmd.exe.[7] The ReactOS implementation of cmd.exe is derived from FreeCOM, the FreeDOS command line interpreter.[2]

cmd.exe interacts with the user through a command-line interface. On Windows, this interface is implemented through the Win32 console. cmd.exe may take advantage of features available to native programs of its own platform. For example, on OS/2 and Windows, it can use real pipes in command pipelines, allowing both sides of the pipeline to run concurrently. As a result, it is possible to redirect the standard error stream. (COMMAND.COM uses temporary files, and runs the two sides serially, one after the other.)

In the above example, Command B will only execute if Command A completes successfully, and the execution of Command C depends on the successful completion of Command B. To process subsequent commands even if the previous command produces an error, the command separator & should be used.[9] For example:

On Windows XP or later, the maximum length of the string that can be used at the command prompt is 8191 characters. On earlier versions, such as Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0, the maximum length of the string is 2047 characters. This limit includes the command line, individual environment variables that are inherited by other processes, and all environment variable expansions.[10]

Is is possible to open a command prompt to a device from the host pc? The reason is, I would like to run commands remotely and see the outputs without having any impact the users who are currently using the pc. For example run an ipconfig on a users pc and have the results displayed through sccm on my machine.

Lastly, in case you're asking why I don't just use the GUI environment manager, I find the command interface to be less buggy and more transparent (e.g., I can see how things are progressing rather than worrying that something has frozen).

Dan gave the correct answer, proswap is the preferred way to activate environments for Pro from the command prompt, it simplifies stuff like the problem you ran into. I just wanted to explain why you were getting the warning in the first place.

Notice that on line 8 (in OP) after you've called activate arcgispro-nov042021 your directory is still pointing to the arcgispro-py3 environment. So while you've activated arcgispro-nov042021 you're still running Python.exe from arcgispro-py3, leading to the problems you described. Once you switched out of the directory with cd you were no longer using the wrong Python.exe (no Python.exe in that folder) so your problems went away.

Thanks for this response. I have a somewhat similar issue that I could not solve entirely by this suggestion. I was earlier using a cloned ArcGIS Pro environment to run Spyder but then my user license changed from a university license to an individual one and I am back to a default project environment under the Python Package Manager. But still, when I open the python command prompt from the windows start menu it opens pointing to the cloned environment (which no longer exists). I tried running what you suggested above but reopening the python command prompt still points to the cloned environment by default. Here is a screenshot

This will launch your jar as well as open the command prompt automatically, all from a simple double click on a bat file. (The bat file needs to be in the same folder as your jar file, else you need to specify the path to the jar, not just the jar name)

I have an application that will not stay open unless it is run through command prompt as an administrator. I have found a way to add a shortcut to my desktop in order to open it (Administrator: Elevated Command Prompt) but not sure how to programically open this program. Does anyone have a quick and easy solution to this? I would like to open the Administrator: Elevated Command Prompt and then start writing my commands.

Here are my properties, I changed my program to this and the command prompt closes immediatly and doesn't open desktop shortcut (which is technically a command prompt shortcut with administrator rights that I made, I followed:

That worked exactly how I asked but am finding out that is not what I need. It opens the program but I want to programmically run commands on the Elevated Command Prompt. Any ideas on how to do this? I am trying to do this all programmically so that the user only has to run LabVIEW and not actually type anything into the command prompt. An example of commands that I want to run in the Elevated Command Prompt are: 2351a5e196

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