The action figures were promoted with an animated series, which premiered in 1987 and ran for almost a decade. This was followed by animated series that premiered in 2003, 2012, and 2018, each with a separate continuity. Several films were released; the first, released in 1990, became the highest-grossing independent film up to that point. Numerous video games have also been released, including several developed by Konami. In some European regions, the franchise was titled Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles due to the violent connotations of the word "ninja".

The comic book authors Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird met in Massachusetts and began working on illustrations together. In 1983, Laird invited Eastman to move in with him in Dover, New Hampshire.[1] That November, Eastman drew a masked turtle standing on its hind legs armed with nunchucks to make Laird laugh.[2] Laird added the words "teenage mutant".[1] The concept parodied several elements popular in superhero comics of the time: the teenagers of New Teen Titans, the mutants of Uncanny X-Men and the ninjas of Daredevil, combined with the comic tradition of funny animals such as Howard the Duck.[3]

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Influenced by the success of He-Man, G.I. Joe and Transformers, which had promoted toy lines with animated series, Playmates worked with the animation studio Murakami-Wolf-Swenson to produce the first Turtles animated series,[4] which premiered in 1987 and ran for almost a decade.[3] It introduced Turtles elements such as their color-coded masks, catchphrases, love of pizza and distinct personalities.[3] To make it acceptable to parents and television networks, the series had a lighter tone than the comics, with no expletives, less violence and less threatening villains.[2] In the United Kingdom and some other European regions, the franchise was renamed Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles for the violent connotations of the word "ninja".[5][6]

Splinter is a mutant rat who is the wise adoptive father of the Turtles and teaches them ninjitsu. In some iterations, he was once the pet rat of ninja master Hamato Yoshi; in others, he is a mutated Yoshi.[25] The Turtles are assisted by April O'Neil, who is variously depicted as a news reporter, lab assistant or genius computer programmer.[25][26] In most versions, she is pursued romantically by Casey Jones,[27] a hockey mask-wearing vigilante who usually becomes an ally of the Turtles.[28]

The Turtles' nemesis is the Shredder, who leads the criminal ninja clan known as the Foot. His real identity is usually the ninja Oroku Saki.[29] In most versions, the Shredder's second in command is Karai, a skilled martial artist; in some iterations she is the Shredder's daughter.[29] The Shredder allies with Baxter Stockman, a mad scientist who is often transformed into a mutant fly in his appearances,[29] and Krang, an alien warlord. Krang was introduced in the original animated series, and was inspired by the Utrom race from the comics.[29] Also created for the series were the Shredder's buffoonish henchmen, Bebop and Rocksteady, a mutant warthog and rhinoceros.[29] Other villains often faced by the Turtles include the alien Triceratons,[29] the Purple Dragons street gang,[29] and the Rat King, who can command hordes of rats to do his bidding.[29]

Neon the Ninja has a special job. He looks after anyone who finds the night time scary. Lots of us have nightmares, but Neon loves nothing more than using his special ninja powers to keep the nightmares & worries far away, and to keep the magical dreams & positive thoughts close by.

This story, activity, & guide book combines a fun illustrated story to show children how Neon the Ninja can reduce their nightmares & night worries with fun activities & therapeutic worksheets to make night times feel safer & more relaxed. This workbook contains a treasure trove of explanations, advice, & practical strategies for parents, carers & professionals. Based on creative, narrative, sensory, & CBT techniques, it is full of tried & tested exercises, tips & techniques to aid & alleviate nightmares & sleeping difficulties. This is a must-have for those working & living with children aged 5-10 who experience nightmares or other sleep-related problems.

To go along with the Neon book, or as a separate item. You can also purchase your very own 14-Inch soft colourful Neon the Nightmare and Night time Ninja cuddly toy as seen in the photographs (Details to be released very soon!). To add to the magic, Neon has his very own special velcro pocket, so that children can write down, draw, &/or lock away their worries & nightmares. Alternatively, they can also choose to write down or draw their dreams, hopes, & wishes; & Neon will then keep them safe, close by, & protected. The perfect companion for any child.

 The opening arc of the season shows how vastly unprepared the Earth would be if a full-blown alien invasion occurred. The Triceraton Republic completely outclasses everything and anything at Earth's disposal. The military? Minor annoyances for the Triceraton foot soldiers. The fully assembled Justice Force? All easily defeated by their superior weapons. The full nuclear arsenal of the planet? Completely fails to breach the Triceratons' shields. The failed nuclear strike is when the President of the United States surrenders, conceding that the Earth has lost. As the failed nukes go off in space and provide a haunting light show to the planet, the Shredder is asked by Karai what they will do. He simply says they will wait and see what they can do. The Shredder is a warmongering crime lord who as we will later learn has wreaked havoc across the universe, but even he knows he can't afford to make a wrong move in the face of a full-scale Triceraton invasion. That the Shredder refuses to budge after seeing the Triceratons defeat Earth's defenses proves how dangerous the Triceratons are. Ultimate Drako, a gnarly fusion of Ve-Sama and Drako after they fell into the cosmic rift they unwittingly unleashed at the end of "The Big Brawl". Splinter had hoped that with the endless wonders of the multiverse they might pull through, but with the state they're in, mangled together by eldritch forces of the cosmos, they might've wished they were dead. And they get their hands on Lord Simultaneous's Time Scepter, ready to wreak havoc for their revenge. The episode "The Darkness Within", which is basically a Lovecraft Lite story in a kids cartoon. There is a mansion in New York that has been there as long as anyone can remember. One day, Angel, the troubled girl the Turtles saved from joining the Purple Dragons early in the series, tells them that her brother found a gold coin during his construction work in the area, and has been missing for three days after going there to look for more, and asks the Turtles to find him. Turns out the mansion was built on top of an Eldritch Abomination that draws in followers by preying on their greed, and it has been luring in victims to feed on for centuries. The Turtles are trapped in their own nightmares, and when they manage to escape their torment, they find a chamber filled with thousands of skeletal remains, trapped in pods like theirs. Leo manages to kill it with a magic spear, and everyone escapes with their lives. Seems like a happy ending, right? Until a nearby payphone starts ringing, just as a random pedestrian walks by... Voice On the Phone: COME TO ME. SERVE ME AND I WILL GIVE YOU POWER AND WEALTH. I WILL GIVE YOU THE WORLD. the man's eyes starts to glow red, and then he laughs evilly Oh, and said abomination's design? Basically Cthulu, only blood red. The Turtles nightmares: Leonardo dreams that Splinter had sensed his peril and come to rescue him, only to be mortally wounded by the Abomination. Then Leo dreams that Splinter has turned evil and he accidentally kills him. Donatello dreams of running into Angel, who runs off and jumps into the abyss. Michelangelo dreams that Leo has joined with the Abomination and wants him to follow. Raphael dreams of running into what appears to be the Shredder... until he manages to knock off the helmet. Rather than Oroku Saki's face, Raph sees his own underneath. Oh, and did we mention that the basement leading to said chamber is inhabited by living, screaming skeletons? That's right, the gateway to the chamber where the abomination lives is teeming with the undead. As Donnie translates, the gateway has an inscription in Italian: ABANDON ALL HOPE, YE WHO ENTER HERE. Yup, you just saw the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles descend into HELL. And then there's the fact that there's this old guy living in the mansion that was built on top of said abomination. While he has the decency of being kind to the turtles and Angel, it turns out he's none other than C.F. Vopelhart, who's been continuing to live for centuries since he started letting the creature control him. He's regretted letting it control him, but he hasn't been able to kill it, and now he's relying on the turtles to do the job for him. When they finally do it, he rots away into a skeleton, lets loose one last scream, and crumbles to dust (at least he's happy that he's finally free from the creature's control, of course). One of the most disturbing moments is seeing Leonardo, traditionally the most steadfast of the brothers, become briefly corrupted by the tentacled monstrosity. For a second, he tosses the spear aside and grins evilly, his eyes glowing red (this is even Harsher in Hindsight if you recall his corruption in City Fall.) The Bad Future, as shown in Same As It Never Was. The world is a dystopian nightmare, the Shredder has conquered the Utroms and spread his evil across the universe, the Turtles have split up and lost all hope, Splinter and Casey are dead, and April is one of the handful of people still desperately fighting as part of the resistance. By the time the episode is over, EVERYONE except Donnie and April are dead, including Shredder and Karai. The Shredder's colossal new exosuit. What it lacks in speed it makes up for in a huge arsenal of ranged and melee weapons, and Ch'Rell's Utrom face has grown wiry and gnarled, and he's wearing a Shredder helmet on his Utrom body. He's a pure nightmare to look at. Hun is living a miserable life fused to Stockman. While the doctor is at least being productive as The Smart Guy of the resistance, Hun has lost his strength and ability to fight, rendering him a decrepit, depressed mess. The pair join the Turtles and April for the assault on the Shredder, and Hun races to his old master, and begs to be allowed to serve him again, while Stockman cries for him to stop and run for it. Ch'Rell is completely unmoved and declares that killing the two is just an extra treat for him, and he stomps the two to death under his exosuit's foot, grinning wickedly. Shredder's death: Torn in pieces by a sonic drill. Even though this Bad Future is saved from the Shredder, the horrors of it should still linger in the viewers' minds given that only two episodes later, we get to the "Exodus" two-parter, in which the Shredder tries to leave Earth to restart his campaign of terror on the universe. This episode is why the Turtles and Splinter agree to sacrifice their own lives if it means stopping the Shredder from doing so. Donnie got a taste of the future that will come to pass should they fail, raising the stakes and then some. Leatherhead's Big Damn Heroes moment in "Bishop's Gambit". Just as the turtles are about to be executed by Bishop's goons, Leatherhead shows up, very angry after the sound wave the soldiers activated agitated him. As the soldiers crap themselves in terror, Leatherhead lunges at the camera, and all we hear after the screen blacks out is the sounds of ripping and screaming. Thankfully, we see no blood in the next scene, but we can only assume he killed them in a very messy fashion. Bishop getting impaled in "Bishop's Gambit". For the final battle between the Turtles and Ch'Rell, the latter holds nothing back. Family-Unfriendly Violence abounds to show that this battle is for keeps. Splinter pushes his sons out of the way when Shredder takes some loose, cut wires out of a panel in the ship, and is electrocuted for several seconds, badly burning his fur and leaving him charred and unconscious. Though Karai didn't mean to do it, Ch'Rell kicks Leo into her katana, impaling him with a nauseating squelch as he looks stunned and saddened, before he collapses. This attack also leaves permanent damage to Leo's shell until the redesign in Fast Forward. Raph tries to run to punish Karai for her part in Leo's stabbing, but the Shredder gets a hold of him, and nearly breaks his back with deadly efficiency. It's over in just a few seconds, and Raph is taken out of the fight. Mikey tries to fight the Shredder, who violently kicks his knee the wrong way, before pounding him to the ground. Finally, Donnie is quickly overwhelmed and suffers a nasty chop to his neck, and he weakly whimpers as he collapses. And the Shredder simply laughs maniacally, surrounded by the incapacitated bodies of his enemies. The Shredder's eventual fate after the Turtles foil his plans to escape Earth and take his war to the Utroms: He's exiled to an ice asteroid belt in deep space, far from any life-bearing worlds, where he'll remain alone for eternity. Especially chilling since it seems that the Utroms are immortal. An extra layer of nightmare fuel comes up if you notice that the courtroom scene is heavily reminiscent of the Nuremberg Trial. He is freed at the beginning of Turtles Forever, but still. Ch'rell: No... you are not fit to judge me! I AM THE SHREDDER! I AM INVINCIBLE! I... I...! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! gets banished to Mor Gal Tul Utrom Jury: May your actions haunt you forever... The actions that brought Shredder that punishment. He has spent centuries laying waste to countless worlds in his endless greed and cruelty. Millions have died under his tyranny and fascism. be457b7860

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