Did You Know That Dogs Have Four Stomachs?

From the time they are puppies until the day they turn into senior citizens, dogs' stomachs have a lot of work to do! Here's a look at those four stomachs and what they're used for.

A dog's anatomy is amazing!

A lot of people think that dogs only have one stomach. This is false, they actually have four.

The dog's stomach is actually divided into two compartments; the first of which serves an acid function and the second which is a bacteria-rich environment. This is where nutrients are digested and absorbed before moving to the intestines.

The first stomach is called the rumen. This is where food goes when it enters the dog’s mouth. The rumen hold about a gallon of food and water, but that amount can change depending on how much the dog eats. It’s here that digestion begins, as well as any kind of chewing the dog does with its food. Once the dog swallows, this first stomach passes into the second one, which is called the reticulum. The reticulum is the storage area for food, but it also contains acid that helps break down the food. The third stomach is called the omasum. This is where most digestion takes place and water is extracted from the food. The last stomach, or abomasum, then sends all of this partially digested food into the small intestine where nutrients are absorbed and waste products are eliminated from the body.

It’s important to remember that these four stomachs can be filled up with more than just food. If your dog eats a large bone, it can become stuck in the esophagus or stomach. This is very dangerous and could lead to vomiting, gagging, bloating, diarrhea, shock and even death.

Dogs can eat almost anything!

Dogs can eat just about anything, and most of it is safe for them to eat. The only thing that should be avoided is chocolate and any food with onions in it.

Many people believe that dogs can only eat dog food, but that is not true. Dogs can eat other foods, as long as they are cooked. Dogs can eat some fruits and vegetables- but not all because some of them are toxic to dogs.

Dogs can also eat things like eggs, milk and cheese - which are all healthy for dogs. Some people may think that giving a dog milk will give them a tummy ache, but that is also untrue.

As you’ve probably noticed by now, dogs are able to eat things that we humans would never dream of ingesting. In fact, their ability to digest bones and other foods that we consider toxic is part of what makes them such amazing pets. But we still need to keep an eye on what they’re eating and make sure that they’re not getting into anything that could cause them harm.

Interesting, right? There are a lot of interesting facts about dogs that most people don't know. If you're interested in learning more about these animals, visit our website for more.