🔎 Investigations in Columbus History

Welcome to Investigations in Columbus History!

Thank you for checking out our project! This work is a product of Teaching Columbus, a public history and civic engagement initiative by and for Columbus educators.

This curriculum is designed to help teachers in Columbus and Central Ohio incorporate local history into elementary social studies instruction. The curriculum is flexible and can be adapted to meet your needs. To get started, we recommend checking out the Flexible Options page here.

Concept Model

Investigations in Columbus History follows the Core Theme of Change over Time through four Big Ideas: Action & Agency, Technology & Daily Life, Migration & Immigration, and Goods & Services. These concepts bring together history, geography, economics, and government into a coherent story. Each Big Idea is supported by three Enduring Understandings. The disciplinary practices of Analyzing Sources, Creating Timelines, Using Maps, and Graphing Data are woven throughout the lessons.