Uploaded image is screen capture. The original image is stack image with red and green channels. The left image of uploaded file is green channel (cells). The center and right image are red channel with ROI (cell shape). The center image is just after overlapped ROI with red channel. The right image is after drawing ([Edit]>[Draw]) for fixing ROI.

Firstly, I extracted bacterial area with [Adjust]>[Threshold] and [Edit]>[Selection]>[Create Selection]. Then, I registered ROI [Analyze]>[Tools]>[ROI Manager]>[Add].

After selection red channel image, I selected the registered ROI (the center image I uploaded). In this time, ROI was shown with cyan color. Then, I did DRAW ([Edit]>[Draw]) in order to save image with ROI. But, after DRAW, ROI line was shown with red color (the right image I uploaded).

Color Draw

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When I draw in rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) at a point where the canvas was previously red, I want the canvas to be gray at that point and transparent. The reason I want this is that I want to upload the image and get a partially transparent image.

We can't do a single pass because apart from "clear" all composite modes do take the alpha channel into consideration, so by applying such compositing with a semi-transparent paint, the previous drawing will still be "semi" visible.

This is where the compositing operations of CanvasRenderingContext2D might come in handy. If you want to draw a transparent black shape on top of a solid red shape and make the are where both shapes overlap transparent, the 'xor' mode might be the best choice.

Also want to write a text inside the Circle (One Letter only) and that letter should be an option to write from outside. Alignment should be center in both Vertical and Horizontal. The color of the text also should be changeable. I placed another label on the circle but is there any better way?

There was already a color/colour palette for CorelDraw out on the forum, but the palette was wrong / empty (troll? corrupted? not sure!). So here is the code you can copy paste into an XML file and then import as the LightBurn colour palette for Corel Draw, including T1 and T2.

If someone plays a yellow draw +2 card, can someone then follow that up with a green +4 (for stacking)? Or does the color of the draw 4 need to match the preceeding draw 2? My sister and I LOVE this game but stumbled on this situation and want to know!

Playing Uno this weekend, one of the players played a Wild+4 but chose the same color that was in play (this led to a successful challenge). I had thought that, regardless of what's in the player's hand, the player could not choose the same color after playing a Wild+4 - it had to change to one of the other 3 colors. A player could choose the same color after playing a regular Wild, though.

Looking at the rules, though, I did not see this restriction; only that the player playing the Wild+4 must not have any cards of the same color in play. Given that my Uno deck is a fairly recent version, I'm wondering if older versions did have that rule? Or maybe it was just a house rule. If so, is that a common house rule? Or maybe it just stemmed from the need to not have the current color in your hand...

The rule is you must not have any of the current color to be able to play the wild draw 4. If you chose the current color as the color for the wild, this implies you are choosing a color you don't have any cards in. You can do it, but it's very rarely a good idea unless you are trying to draw a challenge.

With coloring supplies, anyone can find the fun in learning by bringing their drawings to life with vibrant color. Teachers use art in their creative learning curriculum. Parents and kids can enjoy coloring or explore nature through art. An artist can express themselves by creating textures and blends from their imagination. Reveal your inner child or excite your classroom with colorful drawing and coloring supplies.

To draw with Apple Pencil in a page layout document in Pages, a spreadsheet in Numbers, or a slide in Keynote on a supported iPad, tap your Pencil on the page. In a word-processing document in Pages, tap again where you want to add the drawing area.

If you've added a drawing in a Pages, Numbers, or Keynote file on iPhone or iPad, you can animate the drawing, share it, or save it to Photos as an image or movie file when you open that file on a Mac.

In its first versions, the CDR file format was a completely proprietary file format primarily used for vector graphic drawings, recognizable by the first two bytes of the file being "WL". Starting with CorelDraw 3, the file format changed to a Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) envelope, recognizable by the first four bytes of the file being "RIFF", and a "CDR*vrsn" in bytes 9 to 15, with the asterisk "*" being just a blank in early versions.[56] Beginning with CorelDraw 4 it included the version number of the writing program in hexadecimal ("4" meaning version 4, "D" meaning version 13). The actual data chunk of the RIFF remains a Corel proprietary format.

In 2012, the joint LibreOffice/re-lab team implemented libcdr, a library for reading CDR files from version 7 to X3 and CMX files.[70] The library has extensive support for shapes and their properties, including support for color management and spot colors, and has a basic support for text.[71] The library provides a built-in converter to SVG, and a converter to OpenDocument is provided by writerperfect package. The libcdr library is used in LibreOffice starting from version 3.6,[72] and thanks to public API it can be freely used by other applications.

The following code uses a decorator to add an arrow tip to an edge. Logically, the tip is part of the edge, and so I want it to be colored with the line-color. However, because the tip is rendered using \fill, it takes its color from the fill parameter. How can I make the color to respond to draw=red, and also not respond to fill=blue?

The following findArrowColor style, based on this Georg Sievelson's answer, picks the current stroke color if such is available, then the current text color if such is available, and black color as the last resort.

Working with color can be so much fun. Color can set the mood and tone of a design. Color can make a design appear clean or messy. Another thing we can use color for is to draw attention to a desired piece of content or element.

The rest of the text is the same color but what is more important is determined by size. In this example, color is a unifying factor, except for the heading off course. At the same time, color is used to draw attention away from more trivial elements like the numbers on the left-hand side of the headings.

The headlines are a dark blue while the supporting content is gray in color. The contrast of the light gray against the blue heading gives a lot more prominence to the headlines themselves. The gray makes the headlines stand out a whole lot more. I love that such seemingly irrelevant but highly effective manipulation can be done with just color.

So although, yes, those blue and pink bubbles are seemingly irrelevant, they have an important job to do. Especially, if you notice that the section lacks significant color without them and therefore becomes significantly less interesting too.

A visual language is a system of communication using visual elements such as colors, shapes, headings, and so on. Often times, designers will develop a style guide but a visual language goes a whole lot beyond that.

Sometimes using color to draw attention to something is as simple as using it as a highlight. Highlighting is the whole idea behind accent colors anyways. Accent colors are to give attention to less significant information compared to what the main colors are supposed to represent.. So, how can one use color to highlight?

Hi everyone! I think I fit into this group since I have three boys and no girls. My oldest is three and a half and he has no interest in learning to write. He has never had any interest in coloring or painting or any "artsy" type activities. I haven't pushed it since he is only three, but I was just wondering how common this is. Has anyone else's boys shown this lack of interest and did they eventually become interested in drawing or coloring? BTW, it's not an intelligence problem. He can read on a third grade level and he is a high-level thinker, just not a drawer or writer.

From what I've heard, it's not uncommon for smarter kids (esp boys) to dislike coloring. My oldest is 6 and has been reading since late 3 and he has never been a big color-er. It's boring to him. I conferenced with the school guidance counselor before he entered K to discuss his placement and she specifically asked me if he liked to color. I told her no, and she laughed and said, "the smart ones never do!" I see the same signs in my almost-3-yr-old; he will scribble a little, for maybe 3 minutes, then off to something else. Yet he already recognizes all his letters and numbers and knows the phonics for each letter.

Thanks! That helps me feel a lot better. That's really interesting that the guidance counselor said the smart ones never do like to color. (I'm sure some smart ones do, but I'm glad it's normal.) My son is like yours, coloring is boring to him. He'd rather sit and listen to a chapter book that doesn't have pictures. He loves science, history, and discussing matters of right and wrong, but he has no time for trivial things like coloring or crafts:). Oh well, I'll just try to get him to write a little in a few months or so.

I have an almost 5 year old (in Jan) and he was much like your son at that age. He wasn't reading, but definitely "advanced" in some ways. His older brother is an art kid and started coloring/sculpting at age 2 1/2-3. Liam went through a year of preschool last year bringing home nothing but scribbles and globs of paint. :lol He was learning some letters, but not a lot.

Now in his second year of preschool (Montessori) he is drawing great pictures and writing very legibly in cursive, so I wouldn't worry. Sounds to me like he is focused on other things right now -- like reading! Wow. e24fc04721

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