I wanted to add a jquery FadeOut effect to a badge but the problem is the (effect or the function) needs the minified version (the full one) so I replaced the slim CDN with the full version (3.5.0) CDN and then the bootstrap 4 ( collapse class ) stopped working.

I am completely new to QIIME 2 so I apologize if this question has an obvious answer,I m doing the taxonomy analysis with qiime2 version 2019.10,

The taxa bar plots represents all the samples (24), but the 24 samples actually are only 8 samples and its replicates.

And I want to collapse the total 12 samples that the plot shows in to the 8 different samples that actually exists.

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The collapse JavaScript plugin is used to show and hide content. Buttons or anchors are used as triggers that are mapped to specific elements you toggle. Collapsing an element will animate the height from its current value to 0. Given how CSS handles animations, you cannot use padding on a .collapse element. Instead, use the class as an independent wrapping element.

Toggles a collapsible element to shown or hidden. Returns to the caller before the collapsible element has actually been shown or hidden (i.e. before the shown.bs.collapse or hidden.bs.collapse event occurs).

Something you may have missed is the jump menu: tap the project title at the top to get a list of all notes in the project, and tap any of them to jump to it. You can see this is a bit like a collapse all view of the notes.

I agree. It's great to see a fullscreen view of just the note with no distractions, but as soon as you want to exit, i.e. collapse the note, moving my hand over to the mouse really breaks my flow and just all not a very good user experience. I use a Macbook Air and so on a smaller screen, I almost always need to expand a note to get the most screen area to take notes, but then getting out of it pretty clunky.

Upvoting this because I too see the obvious benefit to having a shortcut available to expand/collapse as you should be able to seamlessly transition between views without having to use your mouse to click an icon. Please Evernote, I love the keyboard shortcuts; find time to add this one, it's an immediate QoL improvement.

The expansion of the group is done by sending an additional query for eachinner_hit request for each collapsed hit returned in the response. This cansignificantly slow your search if you have too many groups or inner_hitrequests.

Field collapsing can be used with the search_afterparameter. Using search_after is only supported when sorting and collapsingon the same field. Secondary sorts are also not allowed. For example, we cancollapse and sort on user.id, while paging through the results usingsearch_after:

Hi Anki Team, this project is so wonderful. Thank you for making a useful tool like Anki.

The collapse/expand feature in Deck list in Desktop version is really helpful. But it does not exist in the Web version.

image1196853 88.4 KB

Several versions of quantum theory assume some form of localized collapse. If measurement outcomes are indeed defined by localized collapses, then a loophole-free demonstration of Bell nonlocality needs to ensure spacelike separated collapses associated with the measurements of the entangled systems. This collapse-locality loophole remains largely untested, with one significant exception probing Diosi's and Penrose's gravitationally induced collapse hypotheses. I distinguish two versions of the loophole, and focus on the more strongly motivated version, in which local hidden variables may depend causally on collapse outcomes but may not independently depend on measurement settings. I describe here techniques that allow much stronger experimental tests. These apply to all the well-known types of collapse postulate, including gravitationally induced collapse, spontaneous localization models, and Wigner's consciousness-induced collapse.

Bell experiment in which the collapse-locality loophole allows records of outcomes, apparently from one wing of the experiment but actually generated at a point in the causal future of both, to depend on measurement settings and outcomes in the other wing. If the outcomes are indeed generated by collapse events at R, then both versions of the collapse-locality loophole allow the outcomes at C to depend on the settings and outcomes at R.

Another application of the collapse-locality loophole. Here the records of outcomes, apparently from both wings, are generated together at point C. The recorded measurement outcomes for each wing may depend on both measurement settings.

Schematic description of an experiment designed to close some version of the collapse-locality loophole. The detector readings are communicated via channels to apparatus which, in an appropriate sense, amplify them to ensure that collapses are induced. The regions RL and RR are spacelike separated.

Long-range terrestrial experiment designed to test the essential collapse-locality loophole. The detector readings from wings of a short-range Bell experiment are communicated to amplifying apparatus at antipodal points. By introducing delays if necessary, they are input into the apparatus nearly simultaneously in rest frame, so as to maximize the collapse time for which spacelike separated collapses would ensure.

Partly space-based version of the previous experiment. One signal is sent to an apparatus on a space-based laboratory, while the other goes to an apparatus on a ground station. To test the Wigner version of the essential collapse-locality loophole, the apparatus may include human observers.

Hello Naveen, sometimes when we use collapse Advance we, have to change some parameters in the collapse file because the convergence criteria for these two modules are different. Sacs have three methods to reach the convergence for collapse analysis.

As can you see, these are different methods and versions in the case of Newton Rapsody, so when we change from collapse standard to advance we can use the cards FRCTOL, ARCLEN, and SUBINC to change the parameters in the convergence. Probably this is the reason why your analysis not finishes, try to add the card FRCTOL and set a force tolerance and moment tolerance using a value bigger than 0.2.

collapse installs with a built-in hierarchically structured documentation, implemented via a set of separate help pages. The top-level documentation page provides a quick overview of the entire functionality of the package and links to all other documentation pages. It can be accessed from the R console by calling help('collapse-documentation').

On simple aggregations of large data (~ 10 mio. obs) the performance is comparable to data.table (when using functions that data.table GeForce optimizes. The C/C++ programming principles applied and the grouping mechanisms of collapse are similar to data.table). On very large data (100 mio. obs +), data.table's thread parallelization will let it run faster on a multicore machine.

Due to its minimized R overhead and avoidance of non-standard evaluation, collapse is very efficient for programming. On smaller data a collapse implementation will execute within the microsecond domain, whereas packages like dplyr or data.table will typically evaluate in the millisecond domain (~10x slower).

collapse and dplyr: The Fast Statistical Functions and transformation functions and operators provided by collapse all have a grouped_df method, allowing them to be seamlessly integrated into dplyr / tidyverse workflows. Doing so facilitates advanced operations in dplyr and provides remarkable performance improvements (bringing dplyr close to data.table on large data aggregations, and making it faster than data.table for advanced transformations). In addition, collapse provides some simpler and faster replacements for common dplyr verbs (fselect, fgroup_by, fsubset (faster dplyr::filter), ftransform (faster dplyr::mutate) and TRA (faster dplyr::mutate for grouped replacing and sweeping out statistics)), providing further performance improvements for programming with piped expressions and non-standard evaluation. See also this vignette.

collapse and plm: Fast transformation functions and transformation operators provided by collapse also have pseries (panel-series) and pdata.frame (panel-data.frame) methods. This integrates them seamlessly into plm workflows and facilitates the manipulation of panel data. For typical panel-data operations like between- and within-transformations or panel lags / leads / differences, collapse functions are 20-100x faster than plm equivalents, and provide greater versatility (i.e. for applying transformations to multiple variables in a pdata.frame). See also this vignette.

collapse and data.table: All collapse functions can be applied to data.table's and they will also return a data.table again. The C/C++ programming of collapse was inspired by data.table and directly relies on some data.table source code (i.e. for grouping and row-binding). The function qDT also exists to efficiently convert various objects to data.table, and various functions (mrtl, mctl, unlist2d, ...) have an option to output a data.table.

collapse installs with a built-in structured documentation, implemented via a set of separate help pages. Calling help('collapse-documentation') brings up the the top-level documentation page, providing an overview of the entire package and links to all other documentation pages.

In the twenty-twelve theme, the following code will collapse the sub-menu ul/li on the mobile version. The problem is that it also breaks the normal version of the menu. How can I use it only when the mobile menu comes in? e24fc04721

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