It's a mellow sound, not related to your immunity etc. I thought it was first connected to the hours of the day, or even the GRE key, but there seems to be no direct connection that I'm seeing. I don't seem to be super close to anything of interest, but there it pops up once in a while. A light "ding ding".

On several occassions, I've heard my iPhone 4S - while locked and set down flat -- make a sound that is similar to coins rattling or a piece of glass breaking. I checked all my alert sounds and no sound like that is even an option. When I pick up the phone and unlock it after, everything is fine and there's no message displaying. Any ideas or info on this?

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Since it's a noise and a vibrate (mine does both too), I'm focused on it being a notification of some sort, so I looked to see what Apps had any notifications when it happened. I saw one prime suspect - Bejewel Blitz. I checked my noticiations setting for Blitz and badges and sounds were turned on. I turned off the sounds. I hope that's it; too early to tell, though. Do you also have BeJeweled Blitz on your phone?

I feel, from my view, this is more closely associated with metal on metal contact sounds. I initially heard the word in the context of sport or leisure shooting, "plinking" is the act of going out and shooting steel targets or even small aluminum cans. A small "plink" sound is heard each time a target is hit. Though much lower pitched, this is the same type of sound when tossing coins in a jar.

Use "clink" when there are few coins and/or the jar is resonant. Pitch = high. Use "jingle" again where there are few coins. "Jingle" is (often) associated with "pants pocket." Pitch = high. Use "clunk" when the impact -- such as it is -- generates little sound because (a) the mass of coins below is large enough so that it does not respond and/or (b) the jar is heavy, or nearly full, and likewise does not react much. Pitch = low. You could avoid the construct by instead using "plunk," a verb meaning "to drop or toss one more thing onto a pile of things."

Roget's Thesaurus has a selection of suitable words in 403: Repeated and protracted sounds and 404: Resonance; as these are mostly onomatopoeic, choose that one that sounds closest to your experience:

Since clink, clank, chink, jingle, and jangle just don't "ring true" to me in this context, I'm going to suggest going metaphorical. You could say something like, "My heart warms a little every time I hear the gentle "sprinkle" of fresh coins landing on the pile in my coin jar."

I can't complete this answer without mentioning the fact that the timbre of the sound of "coins landing on other coins" is dependent on the material in which the coin pile is contained, and your word choice could reflect that fact. I might use "tinkle" or "sprinkle" for that sound coming out of a glass container (piggy bank, coin jar), and I might use "clang" or "jangle" for that sound coming out of a metal box (vending or slot machine's coin box, or a collector bin in a coin mint).

I am new to game development and building Endless Runner game, where Rocky(Player) can collect coins, and I applied cool sound effect when coin is being collected by player but that is not played. Here is the detail what I did so far,

There was nothing wrong with my script, and I dragged both Coin Collect Sound and Background Music at correct place, problem was with my Unity, I don't know when I muted "Mute Audio" option in unity, or its muted by default i have no idea but my problem is resolved. That is why my sound was not playing

So, I decided to try it out. I used Audacity to record ~5 seconds of sound that resulted when I dropped a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter onto my table, each 10 times. I then computed the power spectral density of the sound and obtained the following results:

But, I had another idea. For the most part, we could make the gross assumption that the total energy radiated away as sound would be a fixed fraction of the total energy of the collision. The precise details of the fraction radiated as sound would surely depend on a lot of variables outside our control in detail, but for the most part, for a set of standard coins (which are all various, similar, metals), and a given table, I would expect this fraction to be fairly constant.

Since the energy of a coin, if it's falling from a fixed height, is proportional to its mass, I would expect the sound energy to be proportional to its mass as well. So, this is what I did. I integrated the power spectral densities and fit them into a linear relationship with respect to the mass. I obtained:

The model seems to do fairly well, so assuming you knew the height that coins were dropping and had already calibrated to the particular table and noise conditions in the room under consideration, it would appear as though, from a recording of the sound the coin made as it fell, you could expect to estimate the mass of the coin to within about a 2-gram window.

Someone in the comments asked what happens if we change the thing the coins fall onto. So, I did some drops where instead of falling onto the table directly, I had the coins fall onto a piece of paper on the table. If you ask me, these two cases sounded very different, but their spectra are very similar. This was for the quarter. You'll notice that the paper traces are noticeably below the table ones.

Lastly, I worried about just how repeatable this all was. Could you actually hope to measure some of these spectra and then given any sound of a coin falling determine which coins were present, or perhaps as in spectroscopy tell the ratios of coins present in the fall. The last thing I tried was to drop 10 pennies at once, and 10 nickels at once to see how well resolved the spectra were.

If you have the dimensions and material of an object, you can compute both the mass and the normal vibration modes. Just the mass is not enough - a large paper "coin" will have a different fundamental frequency than a small tungsten sphere.

If you assume that all "coins" are of the same aspect ratio (ratio of diameter to thickness) and made of the same material, then it is indeed possible to compute the relationship between fundamental frequency and mass. From dimensional analysis, if we assume that frequency is a function of

Encouraged by this result, I decided to see if I could get agreement for the four coins given their different aspect ratio and material. Since both bronze and Cu-Ni alloys have a wide range of Young's modulus, I had to guess a bit (all values in GPa):

Next, I had to deal with the aspect ratio. After thinking about this, it was plausible that a larger aspect ratio (thinner coin) would have a lower frequency, so I decided to see what happened if I made frequency dependent on $1/\eta$. This led to the following "expected frequency" formula:

There are multiple frequencies visible in the sound recordings that @alemi showed. Some of these are easily explained by looking at the multiple modes of a simple circular plate - see for example Waller, 1938 Proc. Phys. Soc. 50 70.

Interestingly, the authors were unable to capture the sound of the penny, although their model suggested a frequency close to the one that @alemi measured (13.1 kHz). They showed the first vibration mode as

In this plot, the time axis is moving to the left - so new spectra appear on the right, and the oldest spectra "roll-off" on the left. You can see that I spun a few different coins - the last four bands are the four different coins spun one after the other. Most things are quite repeatable: the fundamental frequency is a bright band around 8.2 kHz, there is a faint band at 11, then a cluster of bands around 17.5 - 19 kHz.

To make this experiment work properly, I placed the phone on a granite countertop in a quiet room. I spun the coins about 6 inches from the bottom edge of the phone (where the microphone is on the iPhone 5) - any closer and the "rumble" of the coin rolling on the surface dominates the spectrum. At this distance, I was getting nicely resolved modal frequencies.

I have tried to measure whether there was a difference in roundness (an elliptical shape would cause mode splitting), or in planarity (if the coin is not flat you would expect mode splitting). Within the accuracy of my digital caliper (nominally 0.01 mm), I could see no obvious effect that I could trace to either of these, but I'm going to try to repeat this experiment when I have access to more accurate measurement equipment - both to measure dimensions and weights. That might be a while though.

I discovered an interesting factoid about the nickel - by law, its weight is allowed to vary quite a bit - with a nominal mass of 5.000 grams, it has an allowed tolerance of 0.194 gram (see ). I have not had the chance to get the detailed specifications of all the coins I measured - when I do, I will evaluate my formula above and see whether the formula I had derived earlier holds over a wide range of sizes and materials. I am hoping that the aspect ratios will be sufficiently different that I can explore whether the "linear in $\eta$" assumption is true or not.

By qualified, I mean one must know the coin's composition, thickness, diameter(or shape), density distribution, country of manufacture, etc. If we make assumptions and restrictions, then it becomes possible to calculate the mass of the coin (to some degree of accuracy), from its "ping" frequency. The formula to use, is the one provided by Floris.

I think that the main question is somehow connected with energy equation $E=m c^2=\hbar \nu$. In turn my answer is connected with the question 3D Elastic waves in a glass. My first impression was that coin exabits some elastic deformation after collision and that this deformation can be analyzed with using eigenfunctions. Really, several tested cups and glasses are shown spectrogram with highest picks related to eigenmodes as demonstrated in Figure 1.

But coins actually not follow this rule. Sound from impact of coin with somewooden, metallic or stone object has very low frequency compared to the main mode as it shown in @alemi answer. Also we can use sound tracks to distinguish coins, it is not so precise as in a case of cups or glasses. Nevertheless we could discus some detector of coins to make sound more related to individual coin. As detector we may use, for example, metallic box like a tin. As we put coin in a can and shake, then it produces very specific sound for every coin. For example, I have tested 3 Canadian coins - quarter, 1 dollar of 2018 and 2 dollars of 2005 in an empty tin from Akbar Ceylon tea. There are 3 very different sound tracks shown in Figure 2 17dc91bb1f

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