Gift Ban - 5 of 25

Incorrect answer:

YES, because the big game is going to be at CSU's brand new showpiece stadium, Canvas Stadium, and the school sponsors have not sold nearly enough tickets to fill the stadium. You would be providing a huge benefit to CSU and CU, and really the state of Colorado, by spending your valuable time at this nationally televised football game. In fact, you consider your contribution of time to be worth at least as much, if not more than, the value of the tickets you are receiving is INCORRECT.

Even though there is no gift if a person who is subject to the Amendment 41 gift ban provides "lawful consideration" of equal or greater value in return, it would be a stretch to interpret your attendance at a college football game as adequate consideration for the value of the tickets. Consideration is the exchange of one thing of value for another. Even though you are a busy elected official and your time is valuable, it is unlikely that your time to attend the game, alone, will be treated as lawful consideration of equal or greater value to the cost of the tickets. Because the value of the tickets is not supported by lawful consideration of equal or greater value (such as payment for the tickets) and because none of the other exceptions established by Amendment 41 applies, it would be a violation of the Amendment 41 gift ban to accept these tickets.

The information on this page is presented as an informational service only and should not be relied upon as an official record of action or legal position of the State of Colorado, the Colorado General Assembly, or the Office of Legislative Legal Services.