Public official disclosure and reporting requirements - 3 of 25


NO. A gift from a long-time friend of the use of a condominium to assist in one's recovery from surgery is not given in connection with the member's public service. Accordingly, the member is not required to disclose the gift is CORRECT.

Section 24-6-203 (2), C.R.S., requires disclosure of gifts given in connection with the member's public service. In this case, the donor was a long-time friend who gave you the use of the condominium while you were recovering from surgery. The relationship you enjoy with the donor is strictly personal and the donor has never expressed any interest in the public business that you address as a legislator. For these reasons, it does not appear the gift was given in connection with your public service, which means you have no obligation to disclose it under section 24-6-203 (2), C.R.S.

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