Public official disclosure and reporting requirements - 3 of 25

Incorrect answer:

NO. There is no need for disclosure because you cannot accept your friend’s offer. Now that you are elected to the General Assembly, you should never accept a gift from anyone at any time for any purpose is INCORRECT.

While you should always be cognizant of the implications of both legal requirements and appearance concerns of accepting gifts, it is important to recognize that the law does require that you adopt an ascetic lifestyle and forswear all worldly benefits in order to serve in the General Assembly. Unless you are prepared to impose a standard of self-discipline that may be unrealistic or self-defeating to satisfy over the course of several years, it is important to be aware of the circumstances under which you are legally permitted to accept gifts from others.

The information on this page is presented as an informational service only and should not be relied upon as an official record of action or legal position of the State of Colorado, the Colorado General Assembly, or the Office of Legislative Legal Services.