Use of state resources - 12 of 25

Incorrect answer:

YES, so long as the total expenditure on staff time, stationery, and legislative equipment usage does not exceed $50 is INCORRECT.

The $50 limit on the expenditure of public moneys in the form of letters, telephone calls, or other activities incidental to expressing your opinion on a ballot issue or referred measure or on the recall of an officer is not applicable to expenditures related to campaign activities and therefore does not apply. Moreover, although section 1-45-117 (1)(a)(II), C.R.S., essentially permits a member or employee of the General Assembly to expend $50 or less of public money expressing his or her opinion, even such a de minimus use of public money incidental to expressing an opinion may trigger a complaint about an improper use of public resources. Accordingly, it is recommended that members and employees stay comfortably clear of the line separating official duties from political activity in connection with town meetings and other legislative functions.

The information on this page is presented as an informational service only and should not be relied upon as an official record of action or legal position of the State of Colorado, the Colorado General Assembly, or the Office of Legislative Legal Services.