COFFE 2 - Automatic Modelling and Optimization of Complex and Heterogeneous FPGA Architectures

COFFE 2 is an open source tool to create the circuitry and area, delay and power models for FPGA tiles (logic, RAM or heterogeneous tiles like DSP blocks). It lets you evaluate your new FPGA architecture ideas quickly and with high accuracy.

COFFE 2 takes as input a description of the FPGA being modeled and automatically:

  • Creates SPICE netlists for different components in the target FPGA.

  • Sizes the transistors for the logic blocks, memory blocks, and routing resources.

  • Synthesizes, places, and routes the core of heterogeneous blocks using an ASIC flow.

  • Creates and sizes the components required to interface the heterogeneous blocks to the FPGA programmable routing.

COFFE can be used together with The Verilog to Routing (VTR) project to perform system-level exploration of FPGA architectures.

The latest COFFE version (COFFE 2) is best described in the paper: S. Yazdanshenas and V. Betz, "COFFE 2: Automatic Modelling and Optimization of Complex and Heterogeneous FPGA Architectures", ACM TRETS, Vol. 12, No. 1, April 2018, pp. 3:1 - 3:27.

See the COFFE citation guide on github for information on other papers that describe how COFFE works.

FPGAs have been getting more heterogeneous and specialized over time. Explore your FPGA architectural ideas with COFFE 2!