biological sequence variation
from statistical modeling to structure, function, and evolutionary dynamics
Cargèse, April 10-15, 2023

This conference is intended as the second meeting after the one which has previously taken place in the Institut d’Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse from 18-23 April 2016. The first meeting has been a success, because it has gathered scientists working on different aspects of evolutionary and protein biology, ranging from modeling to experiments, including statistical physicists, bioinformaticians, biochemists, and evolutionary biologists. It has initiated several collaborations and has shown that the interdisciplinarity is practically possible, and cross-fertilization of the different fields is necessary to develop this research area. The field of protein coevolution and evolutionary sequence modeling has known since then an important expansion and advances into several directions, including impressive results combining coevolution and machine learning. It is important to update the previous meeting, to collect the fruit of the last meeting and stimulate new exchanges between the involved scientists.

Main topics will include: sequence analysis and coevolutionary sequence modeling ■ structural prediction of protein ■ prediction of protein-protein interactions ■ genome-wide sequence landscapes ■ molecular evolutionary biology ■ statistical physics of inverse problems and statistical inference ■ machine learning for sequence-structure-function in proteins.

The venue

The conference will be held in the Institute D'études Scientifiques De Cargèse, located in the island of Corsica, in France.

Buses from Ajaccio to the institute will be organised on the arrival and departure days:

Otherwise you will have to cover your own taxi or rental car. See this link for further traveling suggestions.


Please apply by filling this form. If your application is accepted, you will also be required to fill a form in the website of the Institute D'études Scientifiques De Cargèse for lodging. For now it is not necessary to specify travel details, this will be done after acceptance. There is no registration fee, but travel, housing, and food expenses will be covered by yourself.

Note: The deadline for new registrations has now passed.

Confirmed speakers

Erik Aurell (Stockholm Univ, Sweden)

John P. Barton (University of Pittsburgh,USA)

Anne-Florence Bitbol (EPFL,Switzerland)

Bruno Correia (EPFL,Switzerland)

Victor Greiff (University of Oslo, Norway)

Danny Incarnato (University of Groningen) 

Andreas Mayer (University College London)

Rémi Monasson (LPENS,Paris,France)

Thierry Mora (LPENS, Paris,France)

Yan Ponty (LIX, Paris, France)

Marco Ribezzi (ESPCI, Paris, France)

Yannick Rondelez (ESPCI Paris, France)  

Bruno Sargueil (Paris Descartes, France)

Olivier Rivoire (ESPCI, Paris, France)

Jerome Tubiana (Tel Aviv University)

Francesco Zamponi (LPENS,Paris, France)


The conference program will start on Tuesday 11/04. But you are encouraged to arrive one day before, on Monday 10/04.

Saturday morning a short discussion session will be held before leaving  the institute in the late morning.

For a detailed program please follow this link.

Public slides available at this Google Drive folder.
