Herbs From the Hedgerow

This weekend residential course is aimed to give one a greater awareness of the possibilities of making use of freely available, local herbal plants. This course will deepen one's knowledge of wild plants and medicines and how we might use these to both give one general health and well-being as well as to specific effects in treating general illness, and so becoming more self-reliant in managing one's health and well being.

It is open to people at all stages of experience. This course will also deepen one's confidence and experience in sharing this knowledge with others.

The course will cover, but not be limited to -

· Intuitive techniques in finding herbs

· Harvesting techniques

· Preparation of balms, tinctures and preservation

· Treating ailments with herbs

· Propagation and cultivation of herbs

· Gaining confidence in passing on these skills to others

· Dietary techniques for well-being.