Call for papers
The 14th Conference on Economic Design
University of Essex, June 23rd-25th, 2025
Submissions are not yet open.
Authors are invited to submit papers from Economics, Political Science, Computer Science, Operation Research and related areas. Subjects include but are not limited to mechanism design, matching, market design, social choice, cooperative and non-cooperative games, auctions, voting, fair division, etc.
The deadline for submissions is 1st February, 2025. Decisions will be notified no later than 15th February, 2025. Accepted papers will only be included in the final program if the presenting authors have registered by 15th April, 2025. Each participant can present at most one paper, but can be a coauthor of more than one paper in the program.
Please submit your paper (in the pdf format) on the following link:
For additional information, please contact