The codebox and codebox~ objects use a JavaScript-like scripting language to implement DSP and event code directly inside of RNBO. The syntax is similar to the codebox in Gen, with some important differences.

Unline Gen, variables must be declared with var, let, or const, and functions must be declared with the function keyword. While this makes the RNBO codebox language look very similar to JavaScript, not all JavaScript features are supported. Overall, codebox is most like a super-powered expr object, rather than a replacement for the Max js object.

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This will print 4 and then 5 whenever the codebox receives input at its first inlet. The codebox will always have a first inlet. As is often the case in Max, only the leftmost inlet is "hot". Sending a value to the first inlet will trigger output, while sending a value to the other inlets will instead simply update the internal value of in2, in3, etc. When working with codebox~, all outlets are always signals, and will output a signal vector every audio frame.

More complex RNBO objects like granulator~ are not currently supported. Built-in functions and codebox-supported RNBO objects are listed on this page's lefthand sidebar as operators and stateful operators.

The @param decorator function is the only place in the codebox language that you can use a JavaScript-style object. The function takes as its one and only argument an object describing how the parameter should behave. It can take the keys min and max to define a range, or it can take the key enum, followed by a list of enumerated values. Enumerated parameters always start at index 0.

Finally, you may find that your codebox fails to compile sometimes in cases where you're using a custom function that returns a list. Sometimes the compiler can infer the return type of a function, and the explicit list type is unnecessary. However, you can always add the explicit return type to clear up the error if you're seeing a problem.

If only messages and no signals are connected to the inlet of a codebox~, then the inlet value (in1, in2, etc.) will only update once every signal vector. This is much more efficient, though it does mean that the value cannot change during the computation of an audio block.

Global list functions all have a RNBO object equivalent. For example, the object list.delace is equivalent to the global codebox function listdelace. For all of these objects, the function inside codebox is simply the name of the RNBO object without the period after the word "list".

The codebox and codebox~ objects let you define RNBO functionality by writing text, rather than connecting objects together. This can be especially useful in situations involving complex logic, lots of math, or branching and looping. In these situations, a few lines of code can often replace a very large number of RNBO objects. To create a codebox and codebox~ object, just type the object name into a new RNBO object box.

The actual code that goes into a RNBO codebox is very similar to, but not the same as, JavaScript. If you're comfortable with JavaScript, or with any C-like language, then rnboscript syntax should be very easy for you to pick up. The most important constructs, like if...else, while and for, are all supported.

Like JavaScript, you can declare mutable variables with let, var, and non-changing constants with const. However, if you want to declare some local state that will persist across calls to your codebox object, you should use the @state decorator. For example, if you want to create a counter, you might do it like this:

Lastly, you can also give your codebox parameters with the @param decorator. This is basically a @state variable with two extra bits of structure: it can have a range, and it can be set with a message.

More complex RNBO objects like granulator~ are not currently supported. Built-in functions and codebox-supported RNBO objects are listed as operators and stateful operators on the lefthand sidebar of the Codebox Reference.

The GenExpr language can be used directly in gen patchers with the expr andcodebox objects. These objects analyze the expressions written in them andautomatically construct the the appropriate number of inlets and outletsso that patchcords can be connected to the computations described within.

Theexproperator is functionally the same as acodeboxbut lacks the texteditor features such as syntax highlighting and multi-line text display andnavigation. expris most useful for short, one-line expressions, saving the effort ofpatching together a sequence of objects together that operate as a unit.

Anexprorcodeboxdetermines its number of inlets and outlets by detecting theinN and outN keywords where N is the inlet/outlet position. in1 and out1 arethe left-most inlet and outlet respectively. For convenience, the keywordsin and out are equivalent to in1 and out1 respectively.

When defining operators in GenExpr, it can be handy to keep them in a separate file so that they can be reused frequently without having to constantly re-type the operator definition in a codebox. To include GenExpr operators defined in a separate file, use the require operator. The require operator takes the name of a .genexpr file and loads its definitions. The following are all valid ways to require a .genexpr file:

In the above code, calling require triggers the codebox to look for the file 'mylib.genexpr' using the Max search paths. Required .genexpr files can also require other files. If a file is required more than once, it will only be loaded once.

After entering the 4 digit code, press "enter" and give the logo on the codebox a good squeeze and a shake. Occasionally, the door sticks, but usually opens. If you are still experiencing issues after a few attempts, we sincerely apologize for your inconvenience. Please report a codebox malfunction below and we will notify you when the issue has been resolved and the property is ready for viewing again.

We are truly sorry for the inconvenience, but rarely a previous showing will forget to return the key to the codebox. Please report a missing key in the form below and we will inform you when the property is available for viewing again.

I decided to installed pty.js with npm to try to fix this and made sure that it exists the the path outputted in the error (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/codebox/node_modules/shux/node_modules/pty.js/lib/) but I still get this error.

Since the codebox is ultimately typeset in a tabbing environment, its width may vary. Moreover, it is typeset in a box which is only processed at the end of the codebox environment. As such, you would need a slight work-around in order to center it horizontally.

gives the horizontal width (or dimension) of the codebox. Subsequently, putting the entire codebox environment in a minipage of this width allows us to constrain the horizontal span and center the object. The correct width also avoids overfull \hbox warnings (if a chosen minipage width is too small) or incorrect centering (if a chosen minipage width is too large).

In this tutorial, we present how Faust can be used with RNBO, a library and toolchain that can take Max-like patches, export them as portable code, and directly compile that code to targets like a VST, a Max External, or a Raspberry Pi. DSP programs can be compiled to the internal codebox~ sample level scripting language.Compiling Faust DSP to codebox~ code will allow to take profit of hundreds of DSP building blocks implemented in the Faust Libraries, ready to use Examples, any DSP program developed in more than 200 projects listed in the Powered By Faust page, or Faust DSP programs found on the net.

Next the DSP init code, which is added in dspsetup, only available in codebox~ where it will be called each time audio is turned on in Max (which is basically every time the audio state is toggled, or the sample rate or vector size is changed). Here the DSP state is initialized using the RNBO current sample rate:

To be tested, the generated code has to be pasted in a codebox~ component in an encompassing RNBO patch, with additional patching to add the needed audio inputs/outputs and control parameters. Thus a more integrated and simpler model is to use the faust2rnbo tool.

The faust2rnbo tool transforms a Faust DSP program into a RNBO patch containing a rnbo~ object and including the codebox code (generated using the codebox backend) as a subpatch. Needed audio inputs/outputs and parameters (with the proper name, default, min and max values) are automatically added in the patch. Additional options allow to generate a special version of the RNBO patch used in the testing infrastructure. The code is written in Python and uses the very powerful py2max library to generate the maxpat JSON format.

In Faust, bargraph are typically used to analyze audio signals where computed values are sent at control rate. This cannot be directly done in the RNBO model where only audio signals can be sent from the codebox code. So additional audio outputs are created for bargraph, and will be sampled (using snapshot~ and change) and be connected to param objects, like input controllers.

Control of parameters with MIDI can be activated using the -midi option, or using the declare options "[midi:on]"; syntax in the DSP code. The patch will then contain midiin/midiout objects at global level and specialized ctlin/notein etc. objects in the codebox subpatcher with the appropriate scale object to map the MIDI message range on the target parameter range. ff782bc1db download

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