I don't want to waste your time with boring stuff you don't need. So I've made sure my courses are clear, concise, to the point, and free of technical jargon. No rambling or repetition, just the essentials you need to succeed, explained in plain English.

I know learning to code can be tough. So I've carefully organized my courses into simple, bite-sized pieces to help you progress smoothly, one step at a time. I'll guide you through each step of the way so you won't feel overwhelmed.

Code With Mosh Courses Free Download

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My courses are designed to prepare you for real-world jobs and interviews. With in-depth, comprehensive courses packed with real-world examples and exercises, you'll be ready to take on any challenge that comes your way.

I've taught millions of people how to code and become professional software engineers through my YouTube channel and online courses. I'm humbled and thrilled to be a part of their programming journeys! When you join us, you're joining a group of like-minded people who are all working towards the same goal.

I finished the react course last month and after buying another course, which is updated, I noticed, that Mastering React is really abandoned and it is not valuable anymore, unless it goes under great updates, caz for instance Mosh taught and focused heavily on using class-based component and life cycle hooks, which nobody use them anymore after react version 16 came into market and made developing with React more pleasant and less complex and more efficient and current React developer will code using hooks and functional components.

Another point is, that project implemented in his Mastering React course has almost no styling , for instance when you click on one title in the table of results, all neighbouring elements will shake and move a bit, so at least some css code should have been written and taught to solve these problems, which I experienced in new course I bought. I know, that it is React course and not css html5 course, but if you look at other materials available, especially the ones, that are project based courses, you will see, that authors pay attention to every aspects of projects being implemented, even if you get css+html course, author will code and teach javascript sometimes to make great results ultimately.

I just got a confirmation email from mosh regarding my refund request.

This proves that there was no issue with my communication means.

It was rather slow but maybe just because there was a temporary issue with their system.

If you think about it, they cannot offer that otherwise people would be incentivized to simply pay for one month mark everything as completed (without actually going through the courses), then cancel their subscription and retain access to everything forever while only having paid for one month of subscription. That is hardly fair to the content creators. Instead, if you want lasting access to any of your courses without paying the subscription, just buy those specific courses.


I am not disappointed with the course, I think is a fantastic course, but unfortunately, I cannot download or install angular 4 anymore on windows 10, therefore it is very difficult to code without knowing how to convert to the latest angular, so many errors and things that do not work and expending so many hours and not able to advance from one topic to another.

I will find a course that is more updated, or you could update yours to the latest version and it will help everyone.

Also, I am not saying that you are wrong: the course is dated and you have to work to update the code to current versions of Angular. For an experienced developer this is acceptable. I was just trying to be helpful in case you wanted to make the most of the material Mosh has. All courses become dated over time, so this problem is not unique to CodeWithMosh. Best of luck to you.

Here is the bang-up-to-date set of installed packages, if you want everything running on the latest versions, most of the code mosh teaches stays the same but one or two packages needed some code tweaks, but you can look at my version of the files if you run into any issues -native-course/blob/master/package.json#L12-L54

The reason that coursework like this almost always only uses console programs is because they require nothing else besides a terminal and the language itself (maybe a compiler) to run. This makes it much easier for the courses to focus on actually using the language rather than details about figuring out how to make the UI work or look the way you want it to look. It would be pretty overwhelming trying to learn how to write Android code while learning Java at the same time. The language and the framework are both enough to learn on their own without mixing up with each other. So for pedagogical reasons, it makes much more sense to simplify.

Also, to a certain extent, the console is a UI. It is the simplest UI possible. If our programs just ran without displaying anything to the console, how would we know that they worked? The console part of this is just for proving that the code works. Real world applications have more specific requirements and tend to use frameworks for displaying their results. I do not recall the last time I was really using standard output on the console for anything other than debugging.

It lacks some elements that can help you succeed online, but again, with some self-discipline and organization, it can be a fantastic platform to start your coding journey. There are other competitors on the market such as Skillshare or Linkedin Learning that can be good options as well, but I know for a fact that there are some great teachers and courses on Udemy.

We're not just for beginners as we also have many intermediate and advanced courses (with more in the works) but we do make sure that our bootcamp courses are approachable and engaging for anyone no matter their background, age, or skill.

Our agreement with instructors is that their courses have to be constantly updated and improved. There is no "set it and forget it" like on many of the big MOOC platforms out there (not naming names).

One thing that stands out is their course library, which is quite frankly ridiculous in its size, with over 500 combined courses and projects! Some are bootcamp style beginner to mastery courses, whereas others are ~2hr courses covering a specific feature or problem.

Also, with so many different instructors creating content, it's harder to maintain quality across all the courses... we obviously haven't tried all of them but we did notice some are better than others

For now though, let's just look at the main features and options for individuals. This is another online education juggernaut with over 7,000+ courses, focusing on larger topics and then niche areas that you might want to learn for a language or solution.

It's not what most people have in mind when they think of "learning to code" but because so many companies rely on people with skills in Python, SQL, R, and more, that's where DataCamp focuses its training.

Over the years, Mosh Hamedani has spent time developing free and paid programming courses that are direct to the point. He also owns a YouTube channel, Programming with Mosh (which has over 2.6 million subscribers), where he shares programming lessons for free.

The All Access Pass package goes for a regular monthly price of $29 and a $249 yearly recurring price which would save you $99 compared to paying monthly. In the All Access Pass package, you stand to get 40 comprehensive courses with future courses included.

Hi! My name is Mosh Hamedani. I'm a software engineer with two decades of experience. I've taught millions of people how to code and how to become professional software engineers through my online courses and YouTube channel.

Mosh Hamedani is a professional software engineer and founder of Code with mosh. He has tougth thousands of students online on Youtube and his school. If you ever try learning about coding you must have heard about mosh. His way of teaching is marvilus and outstanding . All topic are thoroughly covered in his vedios.

Redux is the most popular state management library for JavaScript apps. It's mostly used with React but it's also becoming popular in Angular, Ember and Vue communities. Despite being a small library with a small footprint, a lot of developers find Redux confusing and complicated. They also complain that Redux introduces a lot of boilerplate in the code and makes trivial things overly complicated.

This course gives you a solid foundation on Redux and teaches you how to write clean and concise modern Redux code. You'll learn everything about Redux including the whats, whys, hows, and industry best practices.

A short and sweet course that you can watch in an afternoon - free of fluff and nonsense. Simply put, this is the Redux course that I wish I had when I started learning Redux.

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