🕹️CUE Rockstar MBCUE
Session 1: Emoji Writing
Session 2: Building Seesaw Activities Listen and Respond
Session 3: Fast and Curious

Blending in Primary 2.0
How do you blend hands-on learning with a digital approach for our youngest learners? In this session, we will delve into this exact question, sharing ideas and routines that can be implemented into the primary classroom tomorrow. We will focus on tools like Seesaw that can capture and record students’ thinking both on the computer screen and inside the classroom and share strategies that help students demonstrate their thinking in multiple ways.

Swinging Into Seesaw
Starting the school year off on the right foot is critical for students and teachers. For some of us, building this routines with technology can be stressful. In this sessions, we will focus on getting students started with Chromebooks, and specifically started in Seesaw. We will focus on ways to build digital fluency so students can successful start using Seesaw to amplify their learning. You will leave this sessions with lots of free resources for students to use on day one.Â

Building Seesaw Activities: Listen and Respond
Curious how to build quick and effective Seesaw activities that can be used in ANY subject? With listen and respond activities, you give your students a video prompt and they can respond by showing their knowledge in a myriad of ways. Students can practice spelling, phonics, math, dictation and more, all while building oral language at their own pace. In their session, you will walk out not only with ideas, but your own Seesaw activity ready to assign tomorrow. This session will have a K-2 focus, but the concept can be used in any grade.

Building Seesaw Activities: Scratch and Reveal and Hunt and Find
Want to add a little extra fun to your Seesaw activities? In this session you will learn how to build two different types of Seesaw activities. One of the activities will resemble a scratcher, in which students will use the eraser to reveal words or numbers. In the second type of activity, you can peak the curiosity of students by hiding words, letters, or numbers as they can practice fluency and more. These ideas are just the beginning as your ideas can bring the session alive. This session will have a K-2 focus, but the concept can be used in any grade.

CUE BOLD - Blending for Littles
How do you blend digital and analog to maximize learning for our TK-2 students. In this session, we will review the best practices to maximizing learning by using analog and digital tools to support students! We will review strategies that can be used both inside and outside of the classroom!

CUE BOLD - Literacy is MORE than just text!
How can we get struggling readers to dive into challenging text while focusing on cognitively heavy concepts? The abundance of multimedia like animated gifs and youtube videos can allow us to scaffold the cognitive load of reading while focusing on concepts and topics like theme, context clues, and even close reading. After building a strong understanding of a concept through multimedia, students are now able to dive into more rigorous text and concepts and feel confident and successful.
Building Seesaw Activities to Support Student Success
Are you a fan of building Seesaw Activities? Are you ready to take them to the next level? Do you want your students to be independent and engaged in their learning? In this session, you'll learn how to build activities in Seesaw that support and scaffold students for success. More importantly, we will talk about tips that will help you save time and energy when creating these activities. Even if you aren't using Seesaw, you will walk alway with great ideas and templates to use tomorrow!
Fantastic Feedback with Seesaw
Do you spend hours giving students feedback? Do you wonder if they actually engage in the feedback you give them? In this session, you will learn some quick and effective ways to give productive and visible feedback to your students in Seesaw. Whether teaching virtually or in person, you will walk away with ideas and resources that you will be able to implement tomorrow. Even if you don't use Seesaw, come grab some of these ideas to implement into your own Learning Management System (LMS).
OCLA Blending in a K-2 Classroom: Previous Facebook Live
CUE Member and Kindergarten teacher and 2019 CUE BOLD teacher of the year Ben Cogswell is going to share his go-to strategies and awesome mindset of blending amazing pedagogy with easy to access edtech in his #KindRockets classroom. Ben was recently quoted in the NY Times and his SeeSaw lessons have over 1,000,000 views. Ben's warm style is inspirational for any grade level.

Remote Learning for Littles
Is getting your remote learning going less than dreamy? In this webinar, we will discuss how Coach Ben does remote learning with his Kinder Rockets. He will share some tips on how he runs his class through Google Meet and Seesaw. You will leave with plenty of resources to connect with parents and get students excited about learning! This session will include puppets, costumes, and more!
 Seesaw 101: Covering the Basics and Unlocking the Potential
Looking to integrate technology into your teaching in a powerful way? Come get your crash course in Seesaw: The Learning Journal, a powerful tool for face to face and remote learning. In this 90 minute session, you will get a sneak peak of the Kinder Rocket Seesaw Class, and you will get a crash course in Seesaw. By the end of this session, you will understand the basics of the tool, but also see the potential.Â

 Parent Engagement Through Distance Learning!
With Distance Learning, a parent and teacher partnership is key. In this series, we will discuss traditional and non-traditional ways of reaching our families! Additionally, we will share ideas on streamlining, simplifying, and systematizing our efforts to make it easier on families.

CKA - Harnessing the Power of Video for Student Success
Discover ways in which you can create and use videos to engage your students in both digital and analog practices. In this 90 minute session, you will learn simple tips that allow you to capture and make interesting videos for students to explore.

CCEE - Beginner Session: How to schedule for online learning?
Remote emergency teaching should not mean teachers and kids looking at webcams and screen 6 hours a day. But how do you keep the learning moving if the kids aren't "with you" all day? Learnscheduling tricks and tools that keep everyone moving along and highly engaged - but not all day.

4 Tips for Amazing Video Lessons in Seesaw
Integrate video to make your Seesaw activities come alive! Kindergarten teacher and tech guru Ben Cogswell will show you how he uses simple video tools in Seesaw to enhance mini-lessons and model activities for his students. We’ll show you easy ways to support all students even when they are learning from home. In this session, we will see how Ben... 1. Adds a video example in a Seesaw activity. 2. Integrates his home environment to introduce video topics and make them engaging. 3. Models an activity for students. 4. Integrates other video tips to make sure all students are successful. If you’re eager to play along during this session, bring a second device so that you can sign in to your teacher account and practice. *This session is geared toward educators who have already attended Creating Your First Activity and Creating Activities 2.0 from

The Fast and the CuriousÂ
FAST, instantaneous student data at our finger tips and ready to guide our instruction. CURIOUS students engaged in learning and ready for more. In this session, we will use tools like Quizizz, Socrative, and Formative in a formative assessment driven #eduprotoc0l, the Fast and the Curious. Based off of: Eduprotocol Field Guide by Jon Corippo and Marlena Hebern

CUE BOLD - Fast and Curious
FAST, instantaneous student data at our finger tips and ready to guide our instruction. CURIOUS students engaged in learning and ready for more. In this session, we will use tools like Quizizz, Google Classroom, and Socrative in a formative assessment driven #eduprotoc0l, the Fast and the Curious. Based off of: Eduprotocol Field Guide by Jon Corippo and Marlena Hebern

Alisal Seesaw: Remote Instruction Webinar
This series will take you from beginning to expert in Seesaw.Â
Getting Seesaw Up and Running (2 hour pre-recorded webinar) : This tutorial is designed for home learning. It starts with the basics and get you up and running with everything you need!Â
Seesaw Activities: From 1 to 50(2 hour pre-recorded webinar): This will help you getting started on creating activities.Â
Seesaw Activities: From 50-75 (2 hour pre-record webinar): This will help you start creating activities with Google slides, and will show you how to record a video an insert into your instructions!Â
Seesaw Activities 75-100: (1 hour pre- recorded session) Use google slides to build some awesome backgrounds! Accompanying slide deck:
All Ben's Youtube Videos on Seesaw!

Distance Teaching with Our Littlest Learners with Common Sense Media: Youtube Session
Join California kindergarten teacher Ben Cogswell as he shares the secrets of keeping our youngest learners engaged in distance learning by blending digital tools with analog activities. Music, costumes, puppets, and more are used to build the foundational skills students need.

3 Dudes Rocking the 4Cs: Primary Edition with Michael Hughes and Eric Garcia
The 4Cs of Creativity, Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Communication can help inspire learners to go above and beyond. The challenge on the other hand can be implementing them in the primary grades. In this session, we will preview what the 4Cs look like in 3 primary classrooms, and then jump into 4Cs jam sessions, which will feature examples and ideas of implementing the 4Cs. This session will feature tools like Flipgrid, Seesaw, Epic, and more...

Fun with Phonics with Edi Porter and Yesenia GutierrezÂ
Curious how to get our littlest learners excited about phonics? Looking to blend digital and analog tools in the process? Want to walk away with tons of online and offline resources?Come join us for all the above and more and journey into some @KindRockets' classrooms to see how they do it. In this session we will discuss engaging activities/strategies that target multiple modalities good for whole group and small groups. Tools used to support student learning: Seesaw, Quizizz, & Flipgrid.

Charter Oak Custom PD:Â K-1
Going digital in K-2 can be hard, but once you crack open those computers the possibilities are endless. In this session, we will discuss some ideas on how to get our devices (and students) up and running, while maximizing our instructional time. We will dive into tools like Seesaw, Quizizz, and Flipgrid to see how they can engage our students and extend their learning. Furthermore, we will see some Kinder Rockets (@kindrockets) in action as they navigate Chromebooks in a kindergarten classroom. Lastly, we will discover how computers can support paper and pencil.Â

Seesaw: Back to Basics
Are you looking to build up your Seesaw foundational skills? In this session we will go back to the basics and cover all the buttons and options in Seesaw. This session will also include a question and answer segment as well as time to create/ find some new activities.Â

Creating Curious Learners with Technology @ Monterey County Early Math Conference
Technology can't replace hands on math practices, but it can be used to enhance them. Come learn how students can use tools like Seesaw and Flipgrid to express their own mathematical thinking and critique others thinking. In this session we will focus on how to strengthen math practices rather than just replace the same old practices. Â

Blended Learning in TK-2
Curious how to get our littlest learners excited about learning? Looking to blend digital and analog tools in the process? Come join us for all the above and more and journey into some @KindRockets' classrooms to see how they do it. Tools used to support student learning: Seesaw, Quizizz, & Flipgrid.

Student Voice in Flipgrid
Do you want to amplify student voice in a fun and engaging way? Come learn about Flipgrid, a free tool which lets students share, speak, and listen wherever they have internet. Students can have digital conversations, teachers can send students on secret missions, all in the name of fun.

Google 101 @ MCOE
This session gives a brief overview of G Suite and takes a quick dive into Gmail and calendar. You will comfortable with introduction to these tools as well as receive lots of resources on how to navigate these tools. You will also get a brief intro into hangouts/chat as well as some bonus material on Google Drive. This specific training was developed for Monterey County Office of Education to help them transition from Microsoft Exchange to Gmail and calendar.Â

Google 102: Gmail and Calendar @ MCOE
This training is a deep dive into Calendar and Gmail. It is good for people of all levels and has differentiated tasks built in. It is the second in a series, after Google 101. This specific training was developed for Monterey County Office of Education to help them transition from Microsoft Exchange to Gmail and calendar.Â

Google 102: Drive, Docs, Slides and More @ MCOE
This training is a quick overview of Google Drive, Docs, Slides, and more. It is good for people of all levels and has differentiated tasks built in. It is the third in a series, after Google 101. This specific training was developed for Monterey County Office of Education to help them transition from Microsoft Exchange to Gmail and calendar.Â

SPRING & FALL CUE 2019 - Got Dig Cit? with Norma Gamez
Are you looking to take your digital citizenship to the next level? Have your students become ambassadors of #DigCit, create their own products and share them with students, teachers, parents, and even the WORLD. In this session, we will build on resources like Common Sense and Google’s Be Internet Awesome.Â

SPRING & FALL CUE 2019 - With Learning and Literacy for ALL Panel
What does literacy and the 4 C’s look like across the curriculum? Whether you teach math, social studies, science, or English, we’ve got you covered! Come one, come all!
Speakers: Melissa Hero, Kristan Morales, Stacy Yung, Alice Chen, and Ben Cogswell

SPRING & FALL CUE 2019 - Green Screen Playground (Poster Session)
Want to be able to transcend time and space, just like Miss. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus? With the magic of green screen all of this is possible. In this poster session get ready to for hands on learning with green screen. Even better, you will leave with ideas that you can implement for you K-2 classroom tomorrow!Â

CUE BOLD - Lights, Camera, Math
Making every students thinking visible (& audible) can be difficult in the best of situations. In this session, we will make math "pop off" the paper, as we start out with building fluency practice, move to students screencasting their thinking, and end with students critiquing the thinking of others. This Madeline Hunter inspired lesson plan will shift the heavy lifting from the teacher to the students.

CUE Bold - Flipping the Writing Process
Writing can be a student's and teacher's worst nightmare with haunting phrases like "I don't know what to write about." In this session, we will put this phrase to rest as we flip the writing process. Starting with a video challenge, students collaboratively create a "script" and a video against the clock. Next, the writing is developed and expanded through the writing process, which will ultimately lead to a student film festival and a published text.

CapCUEpln TechFest -Â Join Classroom
Google 101 - Class Code: Â ae1qdrn
New to classroom or just need a review? Come and get hands on with the basics of Google Classroom like asking questions and posting assignments. We will also take time to get your own class set-up and even add a few assignments.
The Next Level - Class Code: Â ae1qdrn
You have mastered the basics of asking questions and posting assignments, but how can you take Google Classroom to the next level? In this training session, we will go over some tips on how to provide more strategic and quicker feedback on assignments. We will also learn how to make quick templates, or blackline masters, that can be pushed out to help scaffold assignments for students. Finally, we will learn how to use some of the Google Apps to pump up our creativity.

CapCUEpln Techfest - Lights, Camera, Math
Making every students thinking visible (& audible) can be difficult in the best of situations. In this session, we will make math "pop off" the paper, as we start out with building fluency practice, move to students screencasting their thinking, and end with students critiquing the thinking of others. This Madeline Hunter inspired lesson plan will shift the heavy lifting from the teacher to the students.

Close Reading the Internet: Developing Critical Thinkers
How do we teach students to be critical thinkers online? Do students know how to search the internet and evaluate the sources in front of them? What are the pieces that students need to look at to answer these questions? In this session, we will learn how to teach research skills and gain knowledge about how students can become more critical consumers of online media by understanding how online queries work. Further we will learn how to determine if a web page is trustworthy by evaluating it, comparing it to other sources, and identifying deceptive information.Â

Some Cool Title @ Shoreline Public Schools - T.L.C. Cohort K-2
This sessions is for Shoreline Public School's K-2 Tech Learning/Leading Cohort (T.L.C). It focuses on integrating technology into a K-2 classroom. A big idea from this session is creating 3 Dimensional tasks with technology which blend both digital and analog. The tools highlighted in the session are Seesaw, Quizizz, and Flipgrid.Â

Interactive Posters: Gone Wild
Love blending analog and digital? Do you prefer a student-centered classroom full of empowered teachers? Then this session is for you! We will explore how to use Google Slides to make an interactive poster, then turn an everyday drawing into a clickable slide packed with information, and interactive to boot. Take it to another level by adding Google forms to have students build their own assessments and analyze their own data. Math in real time!

CUE Rockstar Jam Session @ California League of Schools with Lisa NowakowskiÂ
What happens when take Google's MyMaps engagement and interactivity and smash it together with the visual thinking and creativity from Digital storytelling? Simply put, student projects come to life. In this session, we will cover some awesome projects that students can engage in using MyMaps. We will then take it to the next level by adding an element of digital storytelling to MyMap canvas, making destinations come to life. Come get your hands dirty and take a journey with us as we explore Digital Storytelling across MyMaps.

CUE Rockstar: TOSA Edition - The Coaching Cycle: How to Avoid Random Acts of Coaching
Juggling our work load as TOSA's can be overwhelming and anxiety-ridden. Sometimes we fall into the trap of random acts of coaching. In the session, we will focus on maximizing the time we spend with teachers. We will start out by getting our foot in the door and breaking down initial barriers. Then, we will discuss coaching in action -Â focusing on the teacher's level or expertise as well as the right amount of tech/strategies. Finally, we will close with the follow-up or hand-off, pushing teachers to take ownership of the learning, and closing the cycle for more awesomeness.

CUE Rockstar: TOSA Edition - Feedback: Breakfast of ChampionsÂ
Feedback can be scary, overwhelming, and depressing, but like Kelly Clarkson says, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." As coaches and TOSAs we sometimes shy away from gathering feedback from our colleagues, but just like a teacher we need to gather data as tools of formative assessment and summative assessment. Come jump on the feedback wagon as we discover multiple ways to gather data, and more importantly share our data in a public space.

CUE Rockstar: TOSA Edition - Super TOSA: Building Your TOSA Omnipresence
As a TOSA, it is easy to get stuck in your office cave. You must fight the darkness to make yourself viewable, visible, and accessible by awesome teachers. Become the superhero that appears to be everywhere at all times. In this session, we will dig into ways to "market" yourself to your teachers that make you appear to be everywhere. Some of the topics include leveraging social media, diving into podcast or vlogs, newsletters, bulletins boards, and other modes of communication that will help show off your stuff!

Fall CUE - Breakout Edu with Ari Flewelling
What better way to learn about Breakout EDU than to experience it? In this hands on session participants will first participate in a Breakout EDU scenario to help them understand how students will interact with the platform in the classroom. Then they will work together to review the creation process and begin writing their own Breakout EDU game for their classroom.

Edtechteam GAFE Summit Monterey - Google Slides: The Next Level
Tired of the same old slide presentation? It’s time to amp up your game with Google Slides. In this hands-on session, we will learn how to get away from the canned themes and create your own masterpieces from scratch. We will explore some tools to make your colors pop, and actually match. Plus, they say a picture is worth a thousand words; well if you have never tried a “gif” in your slides, then you have never really lived.

Edtechteam California Summit - #CFU: Checking for Understanding
The best laid lesson plans can fall to pieces once we enter a classroom full of energized students. Building on top of foundational pedagogy, we will dive into “Checking for Understanding,”  AKA Formative Assessment, by first discussing classroom practice and then delving into a series of tools that will help guide our instruction as we flow through our classroom lessons. We will start our journey with Google Forms, and move onto tools such as Socrative, Kahoot, Quizizz, Today’s Meet, and my ultimate favorite -- Class Cards.

Edtechteam GAFE Summit Monterey - Rewindable, Replayable & Global Teaching
Ever wonder what it would be like to make your teaching on demand? Now with a few simple tools like a smart phone and Youtube, we can make that possible. Come see how simple it is to enter into the world of flipped/blended learning. We will explore tools such as Youtube Editor and Screencastify to create your own lessons and begin your digital teaching library.Â

Alisal Edtech - Getting to Know Google Classroom
This session reviews the basics of Google Classroom like asking questions and posting assignments. We also have a differentiated menu of extension activities at the end for those with a strong base in classroom! We will also take time to get your own class set-up and even add a few assignments. (2-6 grade)

Alisal Edtech - Student Centered Projects with Google Slides
Google Slides can be used for more than just a traditional presentation. They can turn into interactive adventures, class book reviews, newspapers, or even a digital book. Come learn not only the basics of Google Slides, but some creative ways to apply them in the classroom and get your students engaged in their learning. In this hands on training, you will not only experience the tool, but leave with some templates that you can apply tomorrow.Â

PVSD - (Content+Creation)^(Audience)=Awesomesauce
What makes the Big Mac an American icon? It's that special sauce! So how do we infuse that awesomesauce into student learning, while making sure students have actually learned and target their diverse needs? Come join me while we explore a menu of various ways that students at all levels can use technology to demonstrate content knowledge, build their voice and audience, and have fun in the process. We will dine on concepts like student screencasts, podcasting, digital storytelling, blogging, and a few surprise concepts!

PVSD - Student Portfolios: Tradigital Learning
Student portfolios are nothing new; however, technology has given them a shot of adrenaline. In this session, we will check out how this traditional learning tool has gone digital: tradigital. Starting with the why, we will discuss what makes an effective portfolio, develop a process of feedback and reflection, and finally work with some tools like Site Maestro and Seesaw to start our tradigital juices flowing. Further, we will delve into how portfolio components reflect students individual learning across the year and across grade levels, and how this helps us target their various needs as learners.Â

PVSD - Illuminate 101: Building Assessments for Better Data
Do you feel like a Padawan when it comes to Illuminate? Then this is the session for you! With a hands-on approach, we will dive into Illuminate to learn how to build formative and summative assessments to help inform instruction so we can better differentiate to meet students needs. We will discover the different options for building and administering assessments. In the end, we will build our own standards-based assessment to get ready for next year.

PVSD - Google Classroom and Formative Assessment
Google Classroom & formative assessment will focus on using Google apps through Google Classroom to pump up our teaching. We will begin the adventure by reviewing how the question features within Google Classroom can be used. Then, we will play with the Classroom super side kicks, slides and docs, as they help save formative assessment. Finally, we fly into forms as the ultimate quiz master and Classroom connected data provider.Â

PVSD - Google Maps & Earth Across the CurriculumÂ
Have you been biten by the vacation bug? Come on a stay-cation as we visit Google Earth & Maps and imagine how it can be used within our curriculum and across subject areas. We can go on a writing adventure as we trek across America, study the ABC's from a space voyage, or go on a virtual field trip! With Google Earth & Maps the sky is the limit.Â

CUE Rockstar Union - No More Popsicle Sticks: The Case Against Random
Don't gather data from one student when you can gather it from EVERY student. The idea of tricking kids to listen in a 1:1 environment is no longer academically sound. So how do we find out what kids know? Come ready to amp up your tools to gather data from every student, easily, regardless of platform. Have your teachers snapshot the entire class, instead of random drawings. Learn how to grade less and give more feedback. Attendees will participate in an all out battle, exploring, creating, and analyzing some digital tools in this #edufightclub.

CUE Rockstar Salinas City - Making Student Thinking VisibleÂ
How can we push students to reveal their thinking in math? How can we engage them in collaborative conversations around mathematical practices? How can we juggle all this, and where does it fit in EngageNY?Â
In this session, we will explore these questions and more. In the first part of the session we will refine our practice using screencasting tools and discuss how to use these as a method to capture student thinking. We will then discuss ways that students can critique each other's thinking and build analog and digital collaborative conversations through the use of online tools like Google Classroom & Seesaw. Finally, all of our work will be related back to EngageNY, as we set implementation goals to keep ourselves accountable.

CUE18 - Build Your Brand Through Fun, Communications, and Relationships with Josh Harris and George Lopez
Trying to get the message out about your edtech department, or a new 1:1 device program? Trying to educate your organization and/or let the community know you exist? We’ve been there too, and we’ve got some fun and human ideas to share with you on our success.Â

Make Monterey - Building Imagination with Caine’s Arcade
With the imagination of a child, we can build almost anything with some cardboard and some duct tape. Just ask eight-year-old Caine Monro, who built an entire arcade out of cardboard and everyday objects in his dad’s auto shop. In this session, come learn about the inspiring and heartwarming story of how a man named Nirvan Mullick, with the power of social media, helped MAKE Caine’s lonely arcade into a dream come true. Also find out how this inspiration helped spark the Cardboard challenge in schools across the country. Then we will get our hands dirty as we catapult our own inner MAKER forward as we engage in our own Caine-inspired mini challenge.Â

SCCOE Edtech Leadership Institute - Connecting and growing a PLN at your site/district and beyondÂ
We no longer live in an age where we teach in isolation. The CCSS expects students to collaborate with others, so as teachers we must lead by example. In this session, we will network and connect with the attendees inside the room as well as those outside expanding our Professional Learning Network (PLN). In addition, we will share and discuss the different tools available to connect with others like Twitter, Facebook, Voxer, and more. Come prepared to connect, socialize, and share.Â

Oak Park - NexTech
This training was developed for K-12 teachers who are site coaches in Edtech. It focuses on building strong PD, getting feedback to guide our PD, as well as some marketing strategies. This was an all day session.Â

PVSD - Literacy is More Than Text (CUE BOLD Remix)
How can we get students to dive into challenging text while focusing on cognitively heavy concepts? The abundance of multimedia like animated gifs and YouTube videos can allow us to scaffold the cognitive load of reading while focusing on concepts and topics like theme, context clues, and even close reading. After building a strong understanding of a concept through multimedia, students are now able to dive into more rigorous text and concepts and feel confident and successful. Come learn how to infuse these into your lesson plans for a dose of understanding.Â

CUE National TOSA Playground- Super TOSA: Building Your TOSA Omnipresense with George Lopez
As a "Teacher on Starbucks Assignment," you must fight the darkness to make yourself viewable, visible, and accessible by your teachers. Become the superhero as we dig into ways to "market" yourself to your teachers that make you appear to be everywhere.Â

PVSD - Close Reading the Internet: Developing Global and Critical Thinkers Online
How do we teach students to be critical thinkers online? Do students know how to search the internet and evaluate the sources in front of them? What are the pieces that students need to look at to answer these questions? In this session we will learn how to teach researching skills and gain knowledge on how students can become more critical consumers of online media by understanding how online queries work. We we also learn how to compare different perspectives from different countries on various topics. Further we will learn how to determine if a web page is trustworthy by evaluating it, comparing it to other sources , and identifying deceptive information.