Integrated Circuits and System Laboratory

ICSL: Integrated Circuits and System Laboratory

Research Fields of the ICSL

   Integrated Circuits and System Laboratory is a part of the Department of Radio and Information Communications Engineering (RICE) at Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea. We focus on analog integrated circuits, such as DC-DC converters, delta-sigma modulators, Nyquist ADCs, and sensor interface circuits. Also, our research interests focus on radio frequency components and system, such as high frequency signal generators, transmitters, mm-wave antennas, semiconductor antennas, and sub-THz system.

   Our group currently has multiple openings to hire graduate students as well as undergraduate research interns who are interested in mm-wave and sub-THz antennas and power converter ICs. If you are interested, please contact Prof. Young-Kyun Cho.


March 1, 2023: Start of Integrated Circuit and System Laboratory at CNU.