Industry Poster Session

15th August 2021, 12.00 pm- 1.00 pm IST

[Virtual Conference]

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Brief Product Introduction:

Neuphony believes in unlimited potential of human mind and strives toward unlocking it to bring out the best in them. Neurofeedback has been scientifically proven to be a powerful tool to improve the overall health of your brain including improving memory, sleep quality and reducing stress and anxiety. Neuphony brings you the benefits of neurofeedback at the comfort of your home with the help of EEG headband and a mobile application. The headband measures the electrical activity of your brain and the mobile app based on the sensor data recommends you meditation techniques to achieve your desired state. Over sessions it trains your brain on how to achieve the desired state itself.

Website :

Presenter : Ms. Ria Rustagi , Cofounder & COO, Neuphony

Brief Product Introduction:

Building a safer alternative to anti-depressants with a portable brain stimulation headband and a digital cognitive training application. The headband uses transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) to gently stimulate the left and right DLPFC, along with 6 EEG electrodes on the frontal cortex to tracking progress quantitatively. User is engaged in Digital cognitive-emotional training which enhances the efficacy of treatment. Working in collaboration with the psychiatry department from AIIMS Delhi.

Website :

Presenter : Ms. Ramya Yellapragada , Founder StimVeda Neurosciences

Brief Product Introduction:

Neurostellar is a deep technology startup that envisions to interface brain and machines for the betterment of humanity by leveraging the potential of neurotechnology. Neurostellar's vision is to interface brain and machines for addressing neurological and mental health issues as well as enhancing human potential. The company's hardware is a 24-channel wireless smart EEG system that monitors the brain's electrical activity and it doesn't require a trained technician to handle it. The application of the device can be extended to monitor other neurological, sleep and psychiatric disorders.

Website :

Presenter: Ms. Dhanushya, Cofounder & COO