2nd CNSL Meet

13th to 15th August, 2021

Virtual Conference conducted by

Computational Neuroscience Lab (CNSL),

IIT Madras

About the Meet:

Computational Neuroscience Lab Meet (CNSLM 2021) is the annual workshop of the CNS Lab, IIT Madras. The workshop explores how computational neuroscience modeling can serve as a connector between basic neurobiology, clinical neuroscience and neurotechnology. It involves eminent national and international speakers in diverse areas including computational neuroscience, experimental neurobiology, cognitive science, clinical neuroscience and neurotechnology. It offers itself as a platform where neuroscience meets neurotechnology. The workshop is associated with the Center for Complex Systems and Dynamics, IIT Madras.


A three day summit of Keynotes, Invited talks, Poster Presentations, Activities and Workshops by Researchers and Industry Experts. Our Goal is to bring researchers in the field of computational neuroscience together from across the universities. The meeting is aimed at exchanging knowledge, exploring collaborative opportunities, and discovering complementarities.

We cordially invite you to participate in the event. Please register below.


Abstract Submissions closed

Program Dates : 13th August to 15th August

Event Registration : Upto 13th August


Dr. Neelima Gupte, IIT Madras

( Welcome Talk)

Dr. Gangadhar Garipelli, Director of Clinical Development, Digital Therapeutics, MindMaze

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