Beth Little

Dr Bethany Little

Postdoctoral Research Associate


Research pages:

With a strong background in cognitive neuropsychology and training in computational methods, I am developing computational approaches to answer fundamental questions in (neuro)psychology and neuroscience. I have a longstanding interest in understanding neurocognitive mechanisms in health and disease and I am building an interdisciplinary research programme focused on computational neuropsychology



I earned my undergraduate degree in Psychology at the University of Glasgow, before completing a two-year research masters in Cognitive Neuropsychology at VU Amsterdam as a VU Fellowship Programme scholar. During my masters, I was awarded funding to complete a research internship in the School of Psychology at Durham University. I then worked as a Research Assistant in the Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, under the supervision of Dr Peter Gallagher, where I researched cognitive impairment in psychiatric and neurodegenerative disease in collaboration with the Northern Centre for Mood Disorders. I earned my PhD in a unique interdisciplinary Behaviour Informatics doctoral training programme at Newcastle University, fostering cross-faculty collaborative projects. My PhD thesis investigated core cognitive impairments and their neural correlates in mood disorders. I am currently extending my work in an interdisciplinary setting as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the CNNP lab. 

Current roles and responsibilities

Past roles and responsibilities


Teaching and supervision

Current teaching and supervision

Previous teaching and supervision



Peer-reviewed journal publications

Conference presentations

Conference posters

Book chapters

PhD thesis

Additional contributions

Funding and awards

Research environment activities

Non-research roles




School of Computing

Urban Sciences Building

1 Science Square

Newcastle University

Newcastle upon Tyne

United Kingdom




Area of expertise

Computational neuropsychology, neurocognition, cognitive assessment, neuroimaging, brain-behaviour research 

Current research

The majority of my work focuses on developing methods for computational neuropsychology to investigate cognitive functions and their neural correlates in health and disease. I investigate cognitive disease profiles and test nuanced cognitive models to disentangle cognitive processes and improve neuropsychological assessment. I leverage normative modelling and novel measures of cortical morphology to measure brain structure and detect deviations from the healthy trajectory. I apply multivariate approaches to explore complex associations between cognitive dysfunction and brain abnormalities in disease. My research has transdiagnostic applications in health areas such as psychiatry, healthy ageing, neurodegenerative disease, neurodevelopmental disorders, and neurology. My ultimate aims are to further our understanding of complex mechanisms of behaviour and disease processes, and develop methods to improve research, inform clinical practice, and benefit the lives of patients. 

Research Interests
