A supervisor, or lead, (also known as foreman, boss, overseer, facilitator, monitor, area coordinator, line-manager or sometimes gaffer) is the job title of a lower-level management position that is primarily based on authority over workers or a workplace.[1] A supervisor can also be one of the most senior on the staff at the place of work, such as a professor who oversees a Ph.D. dissertation. Supervision, on the other hand, can be performed by people without this formal title, for example by parents. The term supervisor itself can be used to refer to any personnel who have this task as part of their job description.

A supervisor is first and foremost an overseer whose main responsibility is to ensure that a group of subordinates get out the assigned amount of production, when they are supposed to do it and within acceptable levels of quality, costs, and safety.

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A supervisor is responsible for the productivity and actions of a small group of employees. The supervisor has several manager-like roles, responsibilities, and powers. Two of the key differences between a supervisor and a manager are (1) the supervisor does not typically have "hire and fire" authority, and (2) the supervisor does not have budget authority. Supervisors are not considered part of the organization's proper management and instead are seen as senior members of the workforce. Unlike middle managers, supervisors presence is essential for the execution of the work.

Lacking "hire and fire" authority means that a supervisor may not recruit the employees working in the supervisor's group nor does the supervisor have the authority to terminate an employee. The supervisor may participate in the hiring process as part of interviewing and assessing candidates, but the actual hiring authority rests in the hands of a Human Resource Manager. The supervisor may recommend to management that a particular employee be terminated and the supervisor may be the one who documents the behaviors leading to the recommendation but the actual firing authority rests in the hands of a manager.

Lacking budget authority means that a supervisor is provided a budget developed by management within which constraints the supervisor is expected to provide a productive environment for the employees of the supervisor's work group. A supervisor will usually have the authority to make purchases within specified limits. A supervisor is also given the power to approve work hours and other payroll issues. Normally, budget affecting requests such as travel will require not only the supervisor's approval but the approval of one or more layers of management.

"Doing" can take up to 70% of the time - (this varies according to the type of supervisory job - the doing involves the actual work of the department as well as the planning, controlling, scheduling, organizing, leading, etc.).[2]

Supervisors often do not require any formal education on how they are to perform their duties but are most often given on-the-job training or attend company sponsored courses. Many employers have supervisor handbooks that need to be followed. Supervisors must be aware of their legal responsibilities to ensure that their employees work safely and that the workplace that they are responsible for meets government standards.

In academia, a supervisor is a senior scientist or scholar who, along with their own responsibilities, aids and guides a postdoctoral researcher, postgraduate research student or undergraduate student in their research project; offering both moral support and scientific insight and guidance. The term is used in several countries for the doctoral advisor of a graduate student.

As industrial and commercial enterprises grew in size - especially after introduction of techniques of the industrial revolution - the perceived need for supervisors and foremen grew in tandem. One example is the development of the hierarchical model and practices of the plantation economies in the antebellum American South, where the overseer provided the interface between the planter and the indentured servants, and later slaves.[4]

A supervisor is a process which supervises other processes, which werefer to as child processes. Supervisors are used to build a hierarchicalprocess structure called a supervision tree. Supervision trees providefault-tolerance and encapsulate how our applications start and shutdown.

A supervisor may be started directly with a list of child specifications viastart_link/2 or you may define a module-based supervisor that implementsthe required callbacks. The sections below use start_link/2 to startsupervisors in most examples, but it also includes a specific sectionon module-based ones.

In order to start a supervisor, we need to first define a child processthat will be supervised. As an example, we will define a GenServer,a generic server, that keeps a counter. Other processes can then sendmessages to this process to read the counter and bump its value.

In practice you would not define a counter as a GenServer. Instead,if you need a counter, you would pass it around as inputs and outputs tothe functions that need it. The reason we picked a counter in this exampleis due to its simplicity, as it allows us to focus on how supervisors work.

We can now start a supervisor that will start and supervise ourcounter process. The first step is to define a list of childspecifications that control how each child behaves. Each childspecification is a map, as shown below:

Supervisors support different strategies; in the example above, wehave chosen :one_for_one. Furthermore, each supervisor can have manyworkers and/or supervisors as children, with each one having its ownconfiguration (as outlined in the "Child specification" section).

:id - any term used to identify the child specification internally bythe supervisor; defaults to the given module. This key is required.For supervisors, in the case of conflicting :id values, the supervisorwill refuse to initialize and require explicit IDs. This is not the casefor dynamic supervisors though.

:shutdown - an integer or atom that defines how a child process shouldbe terminated (see the "Shutdown values" section below). This keyis optional and defaults to 5_000 if the type is :worker or:infinity if the type is :supervisor.

any integer >= 0 - the amount of time in milliseconds that thesupervisor will wait for its children to terminate after emitting aProcess.exit(child, :shutdown) signal. If the child process isnot trapping exits, the initial :shutdown signal will terminatethe child process immediately. If the child process is trappingexits, it has the given amount of time to terminate.If it doesn't terminate within the specified time, the child processis unconditionally terminated by the supervisor viaProcess.exit(child, :kill).

:infinity - works as an integer except the supervisor will waitindefinitely for the child to terminate. If the child process is asupervisor, the recommended value is :infinity to give the supervisorand its children enough time to shut down. This option can be used withregular workers but doing so is discouraged and requires extreme care.If not used carefully, the child process will never terminate,preventing your application from terminating as well.

The :restart option controls what the supervisor should consider tobe a successful termination or not. If the termination is successful,the supervisor won't restart the child. If the child process crashed,the supervisor will start a new one.

Then the supervisor will call Counter.start_link(arg) to start the childprocess. This flow is summarized in the diagram below. Caller is a processwhich spawns the Supervisor process. The Supervisor then proceeds to callyour code (Module) to spawn its child process:

The difference between the two approaches is that a module-basedsupervisor gives you more direct control over how the supervisoris initialized. Instead of calling Supervisor.start_link/2 witha list of child specifications that are implicitly initialized for us,we must explicitly initialize the children by calling Supervisor.init/2inside its init/1 callback. Supervisor.init/2 accepts the same:strategy, :max_restarts, and :max_seconds options as start_link/2.

A general guideline is to use the supervisor without a callbackmodule only at the top of your supervision tree, generally in theApplication.start/2 callback. We recommend using module-basedsupervisors for any other supervisor in your application, so theycan run as a child of another supervisor in the tree. The child_spec/1generated automatically by Supervisor can be customized with thefollowing options:

When the supervisor starts, it traverses all child specifications andthen starts each child in the order they are defined. This is done bycalling the function defined under the :start key in the childspecification and typically defaults to start_link/1.

The start_link/1 (or a custom) is then called for each child process.The start_link/1 function must return {:ok, pid} where pid is theprocess identifier of a new process that is linked to the supervisor.The child process usually starts its work by executing the init/1callback. Generally speaking, the init callback is where we initializeand configure the child process.

When a supervisor shuts down, it terminates all children in the oppositeorder they are listed. The termination happens by sending a shutdown exitsignal, via Process.exit(child_pid, :shutdown), to the child process andthen awaiting for a time interval for the child process to terminate. Thisinterval defaults to 5000 milliseconds. If the child process does notterminate in this interval, the supervisor abruptly terminates the childwith reason :kill. The shutdown time can be configured in the childspecification which is fully detailed in the next section.

If the child process is not trapping exits, it will shutdown immediatelywhen it receives the first exit signal. If the child process is trappingexits, then the terminate callback is invoked, and the child processmust terminate in a reasonable time interval before being abruptlyterminated by the supervisor. ff782bc1db

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