
The main goal of CMB-INFLATE is to build a community of scientists dedicated to the development of innovative analysis of large angular scale Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization data to identify the inflation mechanism.

The final objective of the community is to measure the gravitational wave signal from the inflation period of the Universe by the accurate mapping of the CMB polarisation on large angular scales by future satellite missions.


CMB-INFLATE will focus on:

  1. Modeling hardware developed over three continents, including polarization modulators, optical systems, and detectors

  2. The development and implementation of innovative techniques to mitigate systematics from the sky and the instrument.

The meeting will take place from Nov 22 to Dec 3

The LiteBIRD satellite mission preparation is an important aspect of the project. LiteBIRD has been selected by Japanese space agency JAXA.


The CMB-INFLATE consortium include 16 partners in Europe, Japan, North-America and Vietnam

‘Meet my Lab’ is a virtual meeting point for researchers in ASEAN and across the world to learn from, to connect & to collaborate with each other.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101007633.