Cédric Malherbe

Research Engineer at Huawei

Contact Details

E-mail: cedric.malherb [at] gmail.com

Currently interested in Symbolic Regression / Combinatorial Optimization / Deep Learning


Optimistic Tree Search Strategies for Combinatorial Optimization

Cedric Malherbe, Antoine Grosnit, Jun Wang, Haitham Bou-Ammar (NeurIPS 2022)

Robustness in Submodular Optimization: a Quantile Approach

Cedric Malherbe and Kevin Scaman (ICML 2022)

Beyond Polyak-Łojasiewicz: Convergence Rates of SGD in Non-Convex Settings for Over-Parameterized Deep Learning

Kevin Scaman, Cedric Malherbe, Ludovic Dos Santos (ICML 2022)

Learning efficient black-box solvers and application to hyperparameter tuning

Sofian Chaybouti, Ludovic Dos Santos, Aladin Virmaux, Cédric Malherbe (NeurIPS workshop on Meta-Learning 2022)

Antoine Grosnit*, Cedric Malherbe*, Rasul Tutunov, Xingchen Wan, Jun Wang, Haitham Bou Ammar (DATE 2021)

Robustness Analysis of Non-Convex Stochastic Gradient Descent using Biased Expectations

Kevin Scaman and Cedric Malherbe (NeurIPS 2020)

Cédric Malherbe and Nicolas Vayatis (ICML 2017)

Cédric Malherbe and Nicolas Vayatis (ICML 2016)

Emile Contal, Cédric Malherbe and Nicolas Vayatis (NIPS 2015 Workshop on Bayesian Optimization)

Journal Versions

Cédric Malherbe and Nicolas Vayatis - Submitted to JMLR

Cédric Malherbe and Nicolas Vayatis - Submitted to JMLR


Cédric Malherbe


Introduction to statistical learning, Fall 2016, Master MVA, ENS Cachan

Statistiques/Apprentissage, Fall 2016, Ecole Centrale Paris

Apprentissage Statistique, Fall 2016, M1 ENS Cachan

Data/Apprentissage, Fall 2016, M2 UVSQ


Open-source library for lipschitz optimization (implementation of my algorithms in C++)

Open-source library for nonlinear optimization

Open-source library for bayesian optimization

Open-source library for covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy

Convert your photos into art using deep neural networks