thanks for the explanation of the SAT-modes. But AFAIK ADIF does not support these special "band-letters" (and so clublog and LOTW will "ignore" this additional information . ADIF just allows "SAT" - but that 's enough for correct treatment in these before mentioned log-systems.

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A free application that displays location information determined from acallsign, displays translations of common "QSO words and phrases" in the languagesused in the callsign's DXCC entity, displays beam headings and SpotCollectorDX Spots on a world map, displays country maps, and provides point-and-clickcontrol of antenna rotators from AlfaSpid, ARSWIN, Heath, Hygain, M2,Prosistel, SARTek, TIC, Trackbox, and YaesuphpQW Tool Log Analysis

Web based Amateur Radio Log Analyzer display qso map based on uploaded log, supportADIF Cabrillo REG1TEST-Edi and STF-Logfile formatPublish statistics broken by QSO7h Squares, fields or DXCC.ADIF to Map Amateur Ham Radio Contacts by K2DSL

This web application will read in a ham radio ADIF file produced by many logging programs and map contacts on a Google map.This simple tool converts also the log file into a KML file that can be easily downloaded and imported into Google Earth for a tridimensional view of your QSOs.Contest LogChecker

Contest LogChecker is a set of contest tools for Microsoft Windows, combining advanced text editing with keyword highlighted, and the ease and flexibility of import, export, statistics and charting utilities.With LogChecker you can edit, fill in the log, check Cabrillo Format and Header, convert files from the most popular logging software to Cabrillo, print customizable files, calculate statistics and export logs to RTF, PDF or HTML for publishing.You can examine a log in many different ways by highly interactive methods.LogChecker includes a Master Callsign Database tool for managing databases, which have been generated from actual contest logs. CommercialLog Analysis Links (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});ADIF to Map Amateur Ham Radio Contacts by K2DSL updated- This web application will read in a ham radio ADIF file produced by many logging programs and map contacts on a Google map.This simple tool converts also the log file into a KML file that can be easily downloaded and imported into Google Earth for a tridimensional view of your QSOs.[ Hits: 3513 | Votes: 9 | Rating: 8.55 ]Analyze Contest Passing- Contest log checker to detect QSO band passes. The PASS program reads a Cabrillo log and reports the QSOs that were passed (moved) from one band to another. The program is not graphical and it is meant to be run at a DOS prompt or in a CMD window under Windows.[ Hits: 94 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]ARTIC Contest Log Checker- Artic is a program dedicated to amateur radio contest log checkers, mainly in Italian offers log checking function for VHF contests like IAC in Italy and SWAC in Switzerland[ Hits: 117 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 10 ]Cabrillo Evaluator by W3KM- Contest adjudication software scores Cabrillo logs. Auto evaluates up to 2000 logs with duping, claimed score, actual score, cross checking, N-QSO rule, 5-min delta QSO rule. Support including code changes, non-scoring logs troubleshoot and summary output requests.[ Hits: 2612 | Votes: 7 | Rating: 7.64 ]CabStat- This spreadsheet is designed to perform a statistical analysis of the results of a competition among amateur dumps in the standard format Cabrillo.[ Hits: 647 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 10 ]CBS - contest statistical software- CBS is a program that produces statistical data from a Cabrillo file by K5KA and CBSW windows version by N6TV[ Hits: 428 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]ClubLog - Log Inspector- Club log, the popular online logbook service, offer an online general pourpose contacts log analysis including DXCC Charts, QSL Charts, log inspector, and many statistical reports with charts and log matching with other clublog users.[ Hits: 497 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 10 ]Contest Log Analyzer- The complete software suite to Edit, Analyze, Generate Statistics, View multiple logs simultaneously,Map QSOs, Import and Export to Cabrillo or ADIF files.The Contest Log Analyzer has been developed as a complete database management application, where you can create separate Databases, containing several Logs, a convenient way to save, in one place only, all your log files that accumulate over the years. It runs on Mac and Windows, and it is a commercial product.[ Hits: 194 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]Contest LogChecker- Contest LogChecker is a set of contest tools for Microsoft Windows, combining advanced text editing with keyword highlighted, and the ease and flexibility of import, export, statistics and charting utilities.With LogChecker you can edit, fill in the log, check Cabrillo Format and Header, convert files from the most popular logging software to Cabrillo, print customizable files, calculate statistics and export logs to RTF, PDF or HTML for publishing.You can examine a log in many different ways by highly interactive methods.LogChecker includes a Master Callsign Database tool for managing databases, which have been generated from actual contest logs. Commercial[ Hits: 3297 | Votes: 23 | Rating: 9.07 ]Distance Plotter- You can upload your adif-file It then checks the qso for specified band and if a maidenhead locator is specified. It then builds an array and plot a graph.[ Hits: 228 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]DXView pop- A free application that displays location information determined from acallsign, displays translations of common "QSO words and phrases" in the languagesused in the callsign's DXCC entity, displays beam headings and SpotCollectorDX Spots on a world map, displays country maps, and provides point-and-clickcontrol of antenna rotators from AlfaSpid, ARSWIN, Heath, Hygain, M2,Prosistel, SARTek, TIC, Trackbox, and Yaesu[ Hits: 28544 | Votes: 601 | Rating: 7.4 ]GridTracker- GridTracker listens to live traffic from WSJT-X or JTDX and displays it on a map. It can also load ADIF log files, load clublog, lotw, and other sources to diplay your logbook statistics and map your QSOs. GridTracker is a free application for windows Linux and MacOS.[ Hits: 186 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 10 ]HRDLog- Amateur Radio Web based logbook, initially linked to ham radio deluxe log and now supported by other popular log book programs, permit to publish a searchable contacts log, maps logs, and display a timeline of contacts.[ Hits: 897 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 1 ]LM - Log Post Processor- LM is a program to edit contest logs afterwards, a so-called contest post processor. With help of LM you can convert row data to many different file formats. Allow a quick input interface, and contest score for several contest. Can import & export a batch of logs and to create result lists.[ Hits: 1339 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 10 ]LogView- LogView is a free post-contest log-visualisation tool, for analysing contest performance.It plots the QSOs in a Cabrillo-format contest-log on to one of 8 different maps by finding the position of each QSO from an online database of about 970,000 W/VE callsigns.[ Hits: 2445 | Votes: 4 | Rating: 6.33 ]LogView for WSJT-X - Log viewer for WSJT-X is an external utility to parse the WSJT-X log and check for duplicate contacts or making additional analysis.[ Hits: 527 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]Master Callsign Database Editor- Master Callsign Database Editor allows to create and modify Super Check Partial database files used by many contesting programs in DTA and SCP formats.The files produced by Master Editor in DTA format can be used with CT, WriteLog, TRlog, SD, and others. The SCP versions of the produced files are for use with Win-Test, N1MM+, and others.Master Editor allows to create a callsign database from a separate log or from a set of logs in the Batch Import mode.[ Hits: 243 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]phpQW Tool Log Analysis- Web based Amateur Radio Log Analyzer display qso map based on uploaded log, supportADIF Cabrillo REG1TEST-Edi and STF-Logfile formatPublish statistics broken by QSO7h Squares, fields or DXCC.[ Hits: 5125 | Votes: 17 | Rating: 7.66 ] is an advanced statistics online application with innovative features for HAM Radio operators logs. While designed with amateur radio contesters score improvements in mind, it can help any HAM to have a better visibility over its logbook.You can import ADIF or Cabrillo logs and have various statistics like QSOs per band, mode, operator; QSOs Rate; Operating Time...[ Hits: 976 | Votes: 3 | Rating: 4 ]SH5 Contest Log Analysis- SH5 is easy to use contest logs analyzer which creates a variety of HTML statistics from the Cabrillo format log generated by most popuplar contest log software (N1MM Logger+, Win-Test, Writelog, TR4W and others). SH5 allows you to upload contest results to your web site.[ Hits: 2157 | Votes: 6 | Rating: 6.33 ]WorkedFields- WorkedFields is a windows free software to displays a map showing the amateur radio field squares contacted and logged in using a third-party logging program.[ Hits: 731 | Votes: 5 | Rating: 6.5 ]ZCZ Log- A log utility for WSJT-X and JTDX Provides functionality missing from WSJT-X and JTDX and more[ Hits: 162 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ] (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Find more links about Log Analysis with Google Custom Search Engine

 Search Log Analysis with DuckDuckGo or with Bing (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});SoftwareACARS ADS-B Aircraft scatter Android Antenna analysis Antenna rotor control APRS Audio Recorders Audio Streaming Awards tracking Beacon Monitoring Browser extensions Circuit Design Clip Art Collections Contesting D-STAR Databases Decoders Developer Resources Digital SSTV Digital Voice DRM DSP DX Cluster EME Filter Design Front Panel Design Grid Bearing and Maps Ham Exam Hellschreiber Internet Linking iPhone JT65 Legacy Systems Linux Log Analysis* Log Converters Logging Low Frequency Macintosh Morse Code Decoders Morse Code Training Multimode Navtex NBEMS Olivia Oscilloscope Packet Packet Cluster PIC Programmer Propagation PSK31 QSL Radio Control Radio Programming Repeater Control RF Coverage Mapping RF Design RTTY Satellite tracking Shortwave Signal Generator Software Defined Radio Spectrum analyzers SSTV Time Utilities Vector Network Analyzer Virtual Audio Software Virtual Serial Port Voice Keyer Voice tools Weak Signal Weather and FAX Search The Search only in "Log Analysis"Software : Log Analysis

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