I am running the latest version of B&R and backing up Hyper-v to Wasabi using SOBR.

If everything local was encrypted and all I had was my cloud backups, what would be the steps for restoring my virtual machines?

If I reinstall Windows and reinstall Veeam, can I restore directly from the cloud? or do I have to create my performance extent and capacity extents all over again and then restore? Does Veeam have to scan all the cloud backups first and build an index? Just trying to prepare for this possibility in my lab but not sure how to go about it. Is there a document that covers this scenario? I can't seem to find it.

Before using the computer, I wanted to perform a reset for security. I tried to reset from the cloud, but it didn't work, so I decided to do a local reset. Once this had been completed, I was stuck on a black terminal-looking screen with a white cursor in the top left (though I couldn't type anything).

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For example, I use EasyEDA to design circuits. It used to force you to store your data in the cloud. One day, I was unable to log in. Not because it got hacked or anything, but simply it would throw an error with Google authentication (Google claimed that the EasyEDA app's in-app browser isn't secure enough and wouldn't let me do their 2 factor authentication). I had to make a new account, and lost all my designs. Learning from this I want to make sure this can't ever happen again. Of course, despite being a total piece of junk, EasyEDA learned from their mistakes too and now allows you to store everything locally.

So my game crashed and Steam gave me a sync conflict dialogue the next time I tried to open it. I accidentally clicked on 'download cloud files' and apparently that was the save that was further back. If there's no solution, I've lost about 5 hours of progress. Are the local files of my save gone/overwritten? If so is there a way to revert them?

iCloud Drive is almost perfect for that, since it shows you all your files in place even if they are only in the cloud and not on your local disk. You can then click the cloud icon or just double click the file open and it will download. Once you have the local copy and you are done with it, you can right click and choose "remove download" and it will again remove the local copy leaving only the cloud version (and again, you still see it right there for easy access should you need it again).

Question on functionality, not tech support: I have Starfield installed on my PC, but it's a pretty old machine and doesn't look that great. I wanted to go back to playing it on the cloud to see if performed better that way before uninstalling it locally but don't seem to be able to find an option to play via the cloud if I have the game installed. Is it not possible to do that? It seems like a strange restriction.

I've run into this problem with multiple games on the Xbox app that use a Play Anywhere or Cloud Save feature. I wanted to provide some instructions on how to force uploading of your local PC save to the cloud.

Fix: GamingServices service needs to be restarted when you are finished playing game X on PC 1 and before you start the game on PC 2. Task Manager->Services->Right click on GamingServices (i.e. not GamingServicesNet)->Restart. Unfortunately, this has to be performed every time you finish playing a game to ensure that your local save is in the cloud. I restart the service at least twice to make sure it uploads. I think saves are supposed to be automatically uploaded every time, but from my experience it does not do it 100% of the time. The service also restarts if you restart your PC.

Normally as you play on either an Xbox or PC through the Xbox app, your saves are uploaded to the cloud to be accessible anywhere. For most games, this means that if something were to happen to your local save files, when you next load the game it will sync with the Cloud and you will have all your saves.

When this first started, I had ~25 manual saves, so this was not really a big issue. It kept happening, however, reducing the number of save files I had every time. This morning, when I was down to 7 save files left, I decided something needed to be done. I tried clearing the local save files, then syncing with the Cloud. This only brought back ~5 manual save files, and I lost about 30 minutes of progress. Hindsight being 20/20, this should have been my first warning sign, but I assumed that maybe there was a limit to how many files it would save to the cloud.

My Inscryption save file didn't sync to my Deck, and Inscryption's aggressive auto-save meant I couldn't get my Deck to download my cloud save over the local one. After ferreting around a bunch of community posts, I retrieved my cloud save - and I'm documenting how I did it here to hopefully help anyone else with this problem (or for my own reference later on when I need to do this again). In short, find and download your Steam Cloud save file through the browser, and then replace your local save file with that file.

Hello, I am new to backend and app development in general. I learned that MongoDB comes free of charge if you install it on your local machine/server. For lack of financial resources, I was wondering if there were a detailed guide on how to do that on a local owned server (not a personal computer). In advance, sorry if I am posting in the wrong sub-reddit. Your help is much appreciated.

I already asked this question more than a year ago, but it seems than nothing has changed in this regard. Is it possible to extract the ENTIRE data folder from ForgeVTT or do I still have to fiddle around with modules etc. to "synchronize" and download the asset folders? I am not sure why this isn't easier, like in every other cloud-based service (right-click download), and why instead I have to download a module which isn't even updated to version 10 yet to synchronize the data with my local one. Why are you creating so many hoops making this whole process extremely customer unfriendly?

After some research, I decided to go with the Lightroom CC 1 TB plan, since I don't shoot professionally and I prefer the interface and cloud storage option. However, I'd also like to backup my photos locally. I have a couple 2 TB external SSD's that I'd like to use for this.

i have a very serious doubt that the windows copy lenovo gave me has something wrong ram and cpu usage is always full , i resetted it yesterday with local reinstall but the bloatware was still there , so resetting with cloud install should install a new copy of windows right???

I'm extremely irritated by this change, as I never have and never will rely on on-demand cloud storage for these files. These files are core to my daily digital life and I expect them to be available all the time on every device and kept fully in sync. I have plenty of local storage space for these files and I am accustomed to managing all of it. So these changes, which not only break current workflows but might introduce new and persistent headaches, are motivated by features that aren't even relevant to me.

Hi, will I have to buy a new product key in order to activate windows when I reinstall it or is it going to be already activated? Also does it matter if I choose either "remove everything" or "keep my files" option and later cloud download or local download. I have severe depression and my guinea pig died yesterday (Sorry for the last part my friend made me type it)

If you're reading this you're probably aware that splice removed the ability to 'sync all sounds' or download your library locally with one click. You instead have to click every single sample's cloud icon or use the Enter/down arrow key rapidly. This reddit user explained why they did this quite well. ff782bc1db

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