Cloud cuckoo land is a state of absurdly, over-optimistic fantasy or an unrealistically idealistic state of mind where everything appears to be perfect. Someone who is said to "live in cloud cuckoo land" is a person who thinks that things that are completely impossible might happen, rather than understanding how things really are.[1] It also hints that the person referred to is naive, unaware of realities or deranged in holding such an optimistic belief.

In the modern world, a "cloud cuckoo lander" is defined as someone who is seen as "crazy" or "strange" by most average people, often doing or saying things that seemingly only make sense to themselves, but also exhibiting cleverness at times in ways no one else would think of.[2][better source needed]

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Cockaigne, the land of plenty in medieval myth, can be considered the predecessor to the modern day cloud cuckoo land. It was an imaginary place of extreme luxury and ease where physical comforts and pleasures were always immediately at hand and where the harshness of medieval peasant life did not exist.

Aristophanes, a Greek playwright, wrote and directed a drama The Birds, first performed in 414 BC, in which Pisthetaerus, a middle-aged Athenian, persuades the world's birds to create a new city in the sky to be named  (Nephelokokkygia) or Cloud Cuckoo Land[3] (Latin: Nubicuculia), thereby gaining control over all communications between men and gods.

The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer used the word (German Wolkenkuckucksheim) in his publication On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason in 1813,[4] as well as later in his main work The World as Will and Representation[5] and in other places. Here, he gave it its figurative sense by reproaching other philosophers for only talking about Cloud-cuckoo-land. The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche refers to the term in his essay "On Truth and Lying in a Nonmoral Sense".

The phrase has been used by British and American politicians as well as writers. Margaret Thatcher used this phrase in the 1980s: "The ANC is a typical terrorist organisation... Anyone who thinks it is going to run the government in South Africa is living in cloud-cuckoo land."[6] Bernard Ingham, Thatcher's spokesman, who, when asked if the ANC might overthrow the government of South Africa by force, replied: "It is cloud-cuckoo land for anyone to believe that could be done".[7] MP Ann Widdecombe used the phrase in a debate on drug prohibition with a representative of Transform Drug Policy Foundation: "it is cloud cuckoo land to suggest that [people who don't currently use heroin would not start using it if it became legal]".[8]

Newt Gingrich referred to Barack Obama's claim that algae could be used as a fuel source as cloud cuckoo land.[9] Henry A. Wallace, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture (later U.S. Vice President in Franklin D. Roosevelt's third term) used the term to describe the unrealistically inflated value of stocks on the New York Stock Exchange just before the crash of 1929 that signaled the onset of the Great Depression. In his 1936 book, Whose Constitution? An Inquiry into the General Welfare, Wallace describes a cartoon in a popular weekly magazine which "pictured an airplane in an endurance flight refueling in mid-air, and made fun of the old fashioned economist down below who was saying it couldn't be done. The economic aeroplane was to keep on gaining elevation indefinitely, with the millennium just around a cloud" (p. 75). Wallace wrote that Wall Street's practice of lending money to Europe after World War I "to pay interest on the [war reparations] debts she owed us and to buy the products we wanted to sell her ... was the international refueling device that for 12 years kept our economic aeroplane above the towering peaks of our credit structure and the massive wall of our tariff, in Cloud-Cuckoo Land".

The phrase has been used in poetry, music, film and by writers. Cloudcuckooland, a poetry collection by Simon Armitage. Cloudcuckooland, the first album by the Lightning Seeds, released in 1990. In 2002, electronic music producer Sasha released a track called "Cloud Cuckoo" on his album Airdrawndagger. Radiohead uses the term in the lyrics of their song "Like Spinning Plates". Publisher and editor Gary Groth uses the term in the title of his review[13] of Scott McCloud's book Reinventing Comics.

Cloud Cuckoo Land is the name of a realm hidden inside a cloud featured in The Lego Movie. An iconoclastic, mixed-genre world where there are no rules or unhappy things and serves as a hidden base for the rebel protagonists and councils of Master Builder. It is destroyed by Lord Business's army and falls in pieces into a giant Lego ocean.

On November 26, 2021, Tesla CEO Elon Musk used the phrase to mock General Motors CEO Mary Barra's claim that GM is the electric vehicles leader, despite Tesla controlling 63% of the US electric vehicle market share compared to GM only accounting for 9-10%. Musk tweeted, "Must be nice living in Cloud Cuckoo Land."[14]

It took me several tries to get into the rhythm of Cloud Cuckoo Land. I felt at first I was stuttering through a series of confusing and incomplete pieces of stories. I was and it was all for a profoundly rewarding purpose! Cloud Cuckoo Land is in fact a tapestry with a theme. It presupposes that in Ancient Greece, the writer Antonius Diogenes wrote a fantastical story of a boy who seeks to become a bird so he can fly up to a wondrous land in the clouds above, but is turned into a donkey and a fish with resultant adventures and hardships.

A series of wonderful characters with the earliest in time a girl in 15th Century Constantinople who discovers an early codex of the Greek original as she scours a deteriorating monastery for ancient books to sell. Anna is one of few people who can read the Ancient Greek and the book remains central to her life and experiences as we follow the vignettes involving her. We also follow Omeir, from his birth with a disfiguring cleft palate to his teen years as he becomes a wanderer near the outside of Constantinople in this period of great upheaval. Anna is the one who brings us the voice of the original story that she ultimately shares with Omeir.

Seymour, a boy with autism, lives with his mother in a manufactured home on several acres, inherited from her grandfather. The nearby woods, where he befriended an owl and learned to love and care for nature and is developed, causing great distress to Seymour.

In his 80s, Zeno, an amateur translator has spent many years translating Cloud Cuckoo Land, doing his work at the local library in Lake Port, now staffed by new people who know and care about him. It takes only a little to talk him into working with a group of older elementary school students, to introduce them to Cloud Cuckoo Land and they all decide to put on a play based on the story. Zeno is the director. Seymour is elsewhere in the library on dress rehearsal night, now in his 20s and with malicious intentions. 152ee80cbc

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