Prepping New or Used Diapers

Prepping New Diapers

New diapers will need to be washed to get them ready to absorb liquid. The easiest thing is to follow the manufacturers recommendations.

Synthetic Materials

Microfibre and PUL/TPU diaper covers and pockets can be wash once with detergent, just to remove any dirt or dust from being manufactured and shipped. Dry in the dryer per the manufacturer's recommendation or air dry.

Natural Fibers

Cotton, bamboo and hemp need to be washes 2-3 times with hot water and detergent. Dry the diapers (in the dryer if manufacturer recommendations allow for it) between wash cycles. Hemp or organic cotton may need up to 10 washes to reach full absorbency but these don't need to be done right away. Your diapers will continue to quilt and become more absorbent with each use and wash cycle. Keep in mind that natural fiber diapers will shrink (up to 25%) as they quilt.

Boiling method: DO NOT BOIL PUL/TPU COVERS OR SYNTHETIC MATERIALS. Boiling may void your manufacturer's warranty. Place 4-5 absorbent inserts in a large pot of boiling water for 5-10 minutes, stirring constantly. Make sure to have a metal rack or trivet in bottom of the pot to avoid diapers ever sitting directly on the bottom of the pot and scorching. A large spaghetti pot with removable colander works well too. Do not overfill the pot! Use new water for each batch of inserts.

Prepping Used Diapers

Preloved diapers need to be stripped and sanitized before use. This "resets" the diapers, cleaning them of any mineral build-up and killing off yeast or bacteria.


Demineralize with Mighty Bubbles, RLR

1. Place one pack in the washer in with diapers. No other detergent is needed. Run a regular HOT wash with one extra rinse.

OR Demineralize with DIY mix of borax, calgon and washing soda (3 Tbsp each)

  1. Soak the diapers in hot water, at least 2-8 hours. You can stir the diapers occasionally to help release minerals from the fabrics

  2. Drain the water and ring out the diapers

  3. Run a water only wash cycle

THEN Sanitize

  1. Run a wash cycle with detergent and bleach

  2. Wash the clean and sanitized diapers with detergent 1-4 times to wash away all the minerals and bleach.

original post by ryvirupdated 12-27-18 by Jaishirriupdated 08-01-20 by Jaishirri