On macOS (Big Sur Version 11.0.1) the World Clock widget (visible and editable on the notifications pane) contains four clocks (which I think I set many macOS versions ago). I can see no way at all of removing any of these clocks. I can modify them to tell me the time in many locations, but I cannot remove any of them. I don't need four, I need only two.

I'd like to see a new and relatively simple widget in ArcGIS Dashboard. It's a analog (or digital) clock. One of my users is going to show the dashboard on a big screen in their office, and wants to see the time.

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2. I'm trying to stack my clock widget. I added this widget in today view and successfully stacked another widget so I don't know what I'm doing wrong.... I stacked outlook and tasks, and I also wanted to add clock to that stack, but I can't.... Can anyone suggest something I can try?

I'm honestly not sure why it's ignoring the clocks you have configured and using those random ones, but you can fix it in the widget itself. First, add a world clock, either the single one or the multiple clock one. Don't use the first one that shows your own time, you can't configure that one to do anything. Second, go out of edit mode. triple tap on the clock widget, and choose configure widget. You should see each clock as a button. Double tap on the clock you want to change and you should get a list. Best thing to do, probably, is get to the top of that list and use the search box - it looks a lot like the list you chose the world clocks from in the first place. It's a little hard to get out of there - use the two finger scrub to get out of the list.

As for the stacking thing, I have no idea. The only thing I can think of is that it might be a smart stack, and I think you have to triple tap on those to configure them rather than just dropping things on them, but I'm not entirely sure. The other thought is that there might be a limit to how many widgets you can stack.

Thank you so much for this thorough response! I was able to rearrange my home screen the way I wanted, and my clock widget now displays the relevant world clocks! To be honest, it didn't even occur to me to explore context menus because I followed the widgets podcast tutorial to the letter.

@Woodb022: Have you tried pressing and holding on the widget, and hitting 'Remove', then re-adding it to see if this helps? If not, have you tried selecting one of the other clock widgets such as Digital Clock 2 x 1 to see if the date is visible? If the issue persists, try heading to Settings > General management > Date and time > Automatic date and time, and toggle this option on. Alternatively, toggle this option off if it is already active, and manually set the date via the options that appear below. Let me know if this helps.

I am using version 11 of Service Studio. I have a reactive web app and I tried adding the Clock widget from the forum to this app. When I went into the dependencies of my project, I clicked all items on the clock and then clicked Apply.

However, it didn't seem to add anything to do with Clock because I guess that widget isn't compatible with the reactive web app. And when I go back into the Dependencies, the Clock is no longer checked. So, I went to my application list and deleted the Clock widget because I don't need it since I can't use it with my application (and it was not checked as a dependency in my module).

It's possible some references might have gotten broken within the module. The easiest way to get rid of this would be to go back to the version before you added the Clock. Can you access ServiceCenter and publish a previous version? Would you lose any work?

Thanks, Afonso. I went back and found another version. I didn't lose too much... I lost more time trying to figure out how to remove clock and get rid of the error than I did going back a few versions. :) thanks for the tip!

I actually just made (this week) an open source android digital clock widget , feel free to browse and use my code. pull requests will be much appreciated!I'm sure it will be helpful to you since I stumbled a bunch of surprising walls on the way.

Make it tick only when the user is watching. So in onResume make it to current time and update it every minute or something, then in onPause stop updating it and kill the timer,handle,rxInterval or whatever you are using to update the view periodically.

Once you have added the google account to korganizer and have it all sync'd up you should be able to see your calendars. You then need to do as Nik Reiman said and right click on clock ->Digital clock settings ->Calendar ->Add check to "Show events".

There are some known bugs with Korganizer not displaying recurring calendar events from GCal. There are several workarounds which usually involve running shell scripts with cron in order to sync Google calendars locally.

I just got a new Samsung Galaxy S22. Not everything transfered the same from my S9. Foremost of concern, the size of the time display on the clock weather widget. It's so much smaller than on my S9. I hate it! Have you resolved that yet? Please!!!

The reason is that you're using an older, incorrect, version of the widgets, which assuming you got them from the original thread on the old forums is clearly spelled out at the top of the post you pulled them from.

EDIT / PS: Your $isWeekend and $isWeekday story variables aren't going to work the way you likely intend as you're storing the state of the expression at the time the widgets are processed. What you need to be doing is to perform the assignments after each time you update the clock. You're probably also better off using temporary variables, but that's a smaller issue.

It says that the pop-up calendar on the digital clock should have an option to set it up to work with Kalendar, but when i look at the digital clock widget settings it does not have such an option and i can not get the pop-up calendar to show any data from Kalendar at all?

If not an explicit bug, this is certainly a major usability issue, but only is an issue when adding the first clock (otherwise the "Add" button doesn't show up until you press Info). I had run into this as well and couldn't figure it out for months. Finally poked around at it more just now and finally figured it out.

Yes, I noticed, the Wordpres.com not support clock widget or some clock plugin, but If I will upgrade to WordPress.com Business Plan, I will get it. But, for now, I have no 96$ per your. Because of that, I will wait beter times, or maybe WordPress.com alloy clock widget.

You can customize most widgets right from your Home Screen so they display the information you want to see. For example, for a Mail widget, you can tap the mailbox shown in the widget, then choose a different mailbox so the messages in that mailbox are displayed in the widget. Or you can customize a Smart Stack to rotate through its widgets based on your activity, your location, the time of day, and so on.

To add a Clock widget to your advanced channel, follow the instructions in the Adding Widgets section in the Widget: Add Widget to Advanced Channel article and select the Clock widget in the Widget Library.

My next question, should there be a way of syncing date time from the AppDaemon device?

Like a remodeling idea, if the answer is yes, then adding a UI that when you click on the clock, you get a UI that you can set the date time.

Edit: So Keyguard actually is the part of the lock screen that handles the unlock mechanism (e.g. slide to unlock, pin code, password or pattern). Seems like Fairphone built the peace of mind widget right into that.

I totally agree with you on this, however, we have already published two of the widgets on F-Droid and it might be difficult to change the package name now. We have to request a removal of the widgets on F-Droid and re-publish them. Users that have already installed the widgets might have to reinstall them.

Besides the package name, has anyone considered registering a community domain and hosting a small website that is collecting information about the work of the community? We could use the same domain as our package name. 152ee80cbc

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