

ClimateCharts is an online climate data webpage and database created by Chris Martz. This site contains the latest, updated graphs of various climatic parameters from extreme weather and weather fatalities to temperature, precipitation and snowfall data.

All of the data plotted in the graphs is public domain (e.g., NOAA, NIFC, Rutgers University GSL, CSU, etc...), not property of Chris, and are linked below each graph to the original source. From there, readers may recreate these charts using the data publicly available.

The goal of this site is to provide people with the latest meteorological and climatological observations of the physical world around us, as many online databases have outdated charts that need updating.

Featured graph

North Atlantic year-to-date accumulated cyclone energy index. Data accessed from Colorado State University's Department of Atmospheric Science here.
Updated through September 7, 2022

Year-to-date accumulated cyclone energy in the North Atlantic basin (through September 7, 2022) is currently 25.1 ACE, the lowest since 2013. In total, 69 other years since 1851 have had lower ACE at this point in their seasons. Below is a collapsible table showcasing the top 15 years with highest season-to-date ACE.