Clemson Analysis and PDE Seminar
Fall 2024
Time: M/W/F, 11:15 am - 12:05 am, EST
Location: Martin Hall M-103/104 and in Zoom (link provided upon request)
Past seminars can be found here: Seminar Archive
Organizers: Quyuan Lin ( and Cody Stockdale (
Upcoming Seminar Schedule: (Click the event below to see the title and abstract)
January 29, Robert Fulsche (Leibniz Universität Hannover), Virtual on Zoom
Title: Limit operators and quantum harmonic analysis
Abstract: We will start the talk with a very brief introduction on the theory of limit operators on the sequence space \ell^2(\mathbb Z). After having done so, we will pass to the space L^2(\mathbb R) and show that the theory of limit operators, at least when copied verbatim from the sequence space, fails to provide any interesting results in this setting.
The main part of the talk will focus on the connection of band-dominated operators and uniformly continuous operators (in the sense of Werner's quantum harmonic analysis) on L^2(\mathbb R). Once this connection has been discussed, we will see how the theory from the sequence space \ell^2(\mathbb Z) indeed does carry over to L^2(\mathbb R), at least when the correct operator algebras are considered. In the last part of the talk, we will try to give some details on how limit operators can be used to obtain a reasonable description of Fredholm property of operators on L^2(\mathbb R).
The talk will be based on joint work with Raffael Hagger.
March 7, Vincent Martinez (City University of New York), Martin M-204
Title: TBA
Abstract: TBA
March 26, Nathan Wagner (Brown University), Martin M-104
Title: TBA
Abstract: TBA
April 4, Gong Chen (Georgia Institute of Technology), Martin M-104
Title: TBA
Abstract: TBA
April 14, Xin Liu (Texas A&M University), Location TBA
Title: TBA
Abstract: TBA
April 25, Bingyang Hu (Auburn University), Martin M-103
Title: TBA
Abstract: TBA