Clément Sarrazin - Homepage

I am doing a Postdoc with Andrea Natale in the RAPSODI Team of INRIA Lille.

Before this, I was a PhD student at Institute of Mathematics in Orsay (Paris-Saclay university), under the advisement of Quentin Mérigot and Filippo Santambrogio and then a Postdoc in the team of Bernhard Schmitzer at Göttingen university.

My research interests all revolve around Optimal Transport, but more precisely:

You can find my curiculum vitae (in french) here.

Contact informations:



PHD Thesis: 



J. Reichmann, C. S., S. Schmale, C. Blaurock, A. Balkema-Buschmann, B. Schmitzer, T. Salditt


F. Beier, H. Bi, C.S., B. Schmitzer, G. Steidl


Work group:

I organized the Orsay sessions of the work group of Calculus of Variations (CalVa) between the universities of Paris-Saclay, Paris 6, Paris 7 and Paris Dauphine during the years 2018-2021.


       I taught a one week introductory course on the theory of optimal transport to Master students at Università di Verona at the end of November 2022.

I was a teaching fellow at IUT de Sceaux during my PhD, where I taught Statistical analysis for second year students in management, as well as Mathematics for management for first year students.

        Prior to this, I taught general mathematics for 7th grade, 10th grade and 1st year technical degree in chemistry (french BTS).

        I also gave oral interrogations (colles) in classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles, intensive preparatory courses for undergraduate students aiming to join engineering schools, Polytechnique (X), Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) and the like...