Coaching, Learning, Professional Skills, Workability, Capacity of Older Workers / Наставництво, навчання, професійні навички, працездатність, здібності робітників старшого віку

Global aging population and labor resources, economic crisis, an increase in life expectancy, coaching, learning, professional and vocational skills, workability of the olderly workers of manageable labor for elderly have all made the problem of increasing the retirement age rather urgent. The contradiction lies in the fact that skeptics focus on average human lifespan, while optimists concentrate on one’s life expectancy after retirement, as well as the positive influence of social environment and employment on quality of life of the older workers. It is important that, depending on the country, pension boundary is either considered as an age that gives right to start receiving pension payments, or entitles the elderly person to continue to be employed.

The Human Health Passport was developed by the Institute of Gerontology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine with the purpose of screening population’s health, working capacity, and functional age of the person and employee, and identifying the preventive measures needed to maintain the health and efficiency of the population. 

Thank you for joining and making a great contribution to improving remote screening methods and assessing your health.

Паспорт здоров’я українською мовою  

Паспорт здоровья на русском языке

Human Health Passport an English 

Žmogaus sveikatos pasas 1.2 sukurta lietuvių kalba 

We have found that after 30 years of age, the pace of decline of physical and mental capacity ranges from 0.5 to 2% per year. Reduction of integral indicators of occupational disability is nonlinear at 0.05-0.4% per year. Based on collected data we have developed the physiological and ergo-metric model of professional performance during the person’s employed life. It is shown that vocational training and retraining are the factors of occupational rehabilitation and reintegration of the older workers. As an external factor gerontechnology enhances performance and functionality of the elderly.

The study showed that increasing the retirement age would require prior preparation - from providing legal, social, medical, and informational aspects to implementation of gerontechnological principles at the workplace, as well as observing the physiologically correct schedules of work and rest of the elderly.

Marc De Greef, Karla Van den Broek: Quality of the working environment and productivity — Research findings and case. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. Belgium, Luxembourg, 2004, 86p.

Tomarevska O., Poliakov O.: Controversies in body mass index and human capacity in aging. Oral presented at the 1st International Congress on Controversies in Longevity, Health and Aging, Barcelona, Spain, June 2010.

Poliakov O.: Social, demographic and physiological aspects of pension reform in Ukraine.  Oral presented at the International Training Workshop on Evidence-Based Policy Formulation on Ageing. UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Chisinau, Moldova, October 2010.

  Poliakov O. Raising the retirement age – gerontechnological prospects and physiological limitations of older workers // Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. - Volume 23, Suppl. to No. 1, February 2011. - Page. 120. (VII EUROPEAN CONGRESS Healthy And Active Ageing For All Europeans – II, Bologna, Italy, April 14 – 17, 2011)

Poliakov O. Tomarevska O. Actual nutrition and physiological possibilities of people after 65 years // Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. - Volume 23, Suppl. to No. 1, February 2011. - Page. 102. (VII EUROPEAN CONGRESS Healthy And Active Ageing For All Europeans – II, Bologna, Italy, April 14 – 17, 2011)

Шановні колеги !  

17 лютого 2022 о 13:00 до 14:30 

Захід проведений, як мікроконференція та як розширене засідання сектору Соціальної геронтології та герогігієни ДУ "Інститут геронтології імені Д.Ф. Чеботарьова Національної Академії Медичних Наук України", що присвячено EU INDUSTRY DAYS 2022 і EUROPEAN VOCATIONAL SKILLS WEEK 2022 (Тиждню Європейським Професійних Навичок) від 17 лютого 2022 з 13:00 до 14:30 , організатор лабораторія професійно-трудової реабілітації - Визнано офіцийним партнером European Vocational Skills Week 2022  

Тема засідання European Vocational Skills Week 2022 Event: Перехід до цифрового формату збору і аналізу даних у практичній діяльності лікаря і дослідника.

Програма заходу та питання:

Захід підвищить обізнаність та зміцнить цифрові навички медичних працівників. Що також допоможе ідентифікувати дезінформацію та покращити професійне спілкування. Засідання було проведено в режимі онлайн-конференції. 

Час і дата: 17 лютого  2022 , 13:00  Київ


European Vocational Skills Week 2022

#EUVocationalSkills  #Discoveryourtalent

З відео матеріалами засідання можливо ознайомитися за посиланням:  

Collaboration work within programs